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A lore friendly firearms and explosives. Think about how many centuries even millenia have gone by since the begining of the elder scrolls series and no firearms? The dwermer where building robots and steam powered heating systems and nobody came up with the idea of gunpowder or explosives. I think a mod with simple muzzle loaded weapons and explosives. U could even have simple revolvers think about first u make powder using ingredients at an alchemy bench then u use ingots at a forge to make slugs or shot and u could even use the useless pieces of paper scatter all around skyrim to packto gether the projectiles and powder for qwik loading simple single action revolvers would be plausible for repeaters and you could have pistols, shotguns, and rifles.
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Skyrim without fantasy. No magic, no bullcrap lightning thingy, undead stuff, talking animals, etc.

A Skyrim based Mount and Blade. Authentic medieval sandbox with feasts, intrigues, competing lords, fief management, etc.


Surely that'll never happen, somehow magic and stuff is pushing your buttons, right?


Skyrim would be a pretty darn lame game with only normal weapons, No Voice, No Magic, No Undead, No Dragons, No Gods.




My dream mod would be Skyrim in the future. With modern day looking cities, and firearms that don't shoot like a frigging staff. There would still be the Voice, Magic, Dragons, and all manner of monsters. The world is just advanced. Cell phones, cars, satellites, TVs...


I imagine it wouldn't be too terribly hard. Just replacing the current cities with new ones, creating custom shooting animations, creating better physics for cars (Or no cars, just subways that you wont even need to do anything special like mess with physics to make working cars, you could just watch the doors open, enter, sit down. Then when the doors close, normal loading screen and the doors open again and your in another subway location).




Another, less impossible (Because seriously, I don't think anyone will have the heart to try to make the above modern-day mod), is a Brothel mod. Adding brothels to Riften, Windhelm, Markarth, and Whiterun as well as a new faction and quests involving AP when you work for the brothel and eventually become the lead/owner/whateva.


I 've thought about that for a long time that would be the balls. You would definatly have to have cars tho it cant be that hard to add decent car physics. Not enough good modern phantasy out there.

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My Dream Mod would be to add the Romance of the Three Kingdoms overhaul to the game with all the characters and weapons, along with the Chinese dragons. I know its a lot of work for a mod like that.


So I would hope that someone could make a mod that has Guan Yu with his own armor and weapon, Lu Bu with his own armor and weapon, a horse called Red Hare with flames, and Chinese dragon added to the game.


Thanks for everyone who reads this and would like to try and make it.

Edited by guanyu31
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My Dream Mod would be to add the Romance of the Three Kingdoms overhaul to the game with all the characters and weapons, along with the Chinese dragons. I know its a lot of work for a mod like that.


So I would hope that someone could make a mod that has Guan Yu with his own armor and weapon, Lu Bu with his own armor and weapon, a horse called Red Hare with flames, and Chinese dragon added to the game.


Thanks for everyone who reads this and would like to try and make it.


Its actually not terribly hard, as one might think just at the sound of it. The only real thing that would need to be done would be the Chinese dragons, and have them replace the normal dragons. Then replace all the armor and swords in the game with the many existing oriental mods.



Then, everything is done to your specifications except the flame-mane horse, which should also be easy.


To go an extra mile, which I'm sure many/most/any who download would enjoy; replace many textures with oriental versions.

Edited by Cipherthe3vil
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My dream mod would be an expansion back like Shivering Isles was where the player can do multiple quests and eventually get to a point where they are in a good position of power.
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Ok, look I dont know why hasnt any1 thought of or asked for this but here it goes, maybe im crazy :). In short, I want a mod that lets me RULE SKYRIM !!. So far skyrim has 2 main story arcs, the civil war and the dragons ..and? when ur done, what? go mining? misc quest? BOOOOORING. I am the dragonborn, the last one like me became Emperor, his children ruled as such for generations...but me? oh I get a house in every city -.- wooohoo...


The story needs to take the next logical step, after becoming a hero of skyrim (doing both existent story arcs) I want a MAJOR quest. Like, oh i dont know, uniting all of Skyrim under my command. How I do this is a detail for the godlike modding community, the ppl who actually have the skills do something concrete, not like me who just plays and complains :).


But as a general thought, I would say, having all the Jarls swear alliegeance to me, one hold after another as well as the various castles. The way this would be accomplished is by tieing together some of the elements left without purpose by bethesda - So I could become king of the forsworn if im human, after a series of quests ofc, (with the ability to improve their armour and weapons maybe). Or if im orc, a chieftain uniting all the orc holds and waging war upon the nords, or just using the might of the heavy armoured orcs to bring the nords under my banner, Or as an elf to play as the thalmor, being able to recruit elf mercenaries and again, fight, bribe, kill or marry my way through the loyalities of all the jarls. Basically have a different way of getting troops for every race (and actually make that choice matter more than it does now). So basically i want some strategy in this game, able to influence economy, castle fortifications, trade, troops management, tactics and war AND i want all the work we put in now anyway to mean somthing, not to be lev 100 and still be adressed like a damn thief by city guards....

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My Dream mod is for someone to change the draugr's into stalfos skeletons just like the ones from ocarina of time, heres a pic if anyone is curious and would like to take on this request. i basically have all the zelda mods but no zelda enemies to fight and what better enemy than the iconic stalfos. i would actually pay someone to do this http://www.zeldawiki.org/images/6/69/Oot-stalfos.png :D
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