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A Mod which brings more live to the streets like raiders attacking a caravan, a knight and his companion, a group of Adventurers...





My dream mod is a mod that creates a new faction for Dibella, opening up the temple and adding quests related to it... in the way that Helga worships Dibella. It should be fully integrated with AP, or rather AP should be fully integrated with IT. Since the mod creator already expressed a desire for someone to use AP in a mod that uses it for something like that, something with more roleplaying and immersion value.

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My dream mod isn't so much just a mod as more like an overhaul of the NPC scripting system.


- Where are the huge army battles? If Dynasty Warriors could half-ass this years ago, by now other games should be able to do it as well, and in a better way.


- NPC dies, quest gets screwed up forever. What the hell. If Guild Wars 2 could have NPCs merely fall unconscious and be able to be revived, even by other friendly nearby NPCs, this would no longer be a problem. "b-b-but murder crime!" well yeah, if the damn PLAYER actually killed the NPC, not because they died due to some weird stupidity like the pathfinding algorithm making them walk off a cliff.


- Crappy linear dialog. FFS, this is 2012. If Dragon Age could pull off multi-path branching quests with appropriate dialog, there's no reason other games can't do it. NPCs that only recycle 5 lines of dialog are so freaking 8-bit, that era died with the NES. Why the hell do we still have one-dimensional NPCs who parrot the same tired lines of dialog repeatedly, especially when you've done something massive like save their town or win the war for them ("who are you?" "I'm the goddamn dragonborn, who just saved all your collective arses, how could you not know this, you're a goddamn soldier!").


- Lame follower system. Because it's actually impossible to tell them what gear to wear, what combat tactics to use (cover me, guard this spot, protect that guy, stay in formation, attack at will, etc), stuff that would actually make sense for a squad leader to tell his followers.



Got plenty of beef with other areas, rest assured, this is just one of my favourite complaints.

Edited by Trucidation
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I also would like to see immersive interiors come back for Skyrim!


but if someone could somehow manage to add volumetric dynamic snow,

that would be so epic! but i doubt it is really feasible...


snow is my country's specialty, i feel like Skyrim doesn't really do a great job when it comes

to the feel of the snow... no prints, no volume, no big velvety white covers on tree branches!

imagine avalanches...


its kind of a crazy dream, but this community is so talented, you never know!

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Dream mod, eh?




I'd like a more realistic economy, with bronze, silver and gold coins. Seriously, a handful of pieces of gold for a cake? That's some nasty inflation you've got there.


I'd like my followers be a lot more versatile, wear the damned armour I give them and be able to ride horses.


I'd like people to actually acknowledge that I just killed a minor deity and saved the world. Especially people who were directly involved. You know who you are, Balgruuf.


More Daedra!


The ability to rebuild Helgen and Winterhold.

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