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Better wolf models

They are everywhere, everytime, running around with their ugly broken legs animation and being ugly. For now I use Enhanced wolf Models, but I'd love to see some new, decent model.

I'd also like to see more randomized dog variations, not just Irish Wolfhounds and Huskies everywhere.

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Mounted Npc combat i know there is a mod like this in Nexus sadly it is dead. It will be cool NPC using Convenient Horse Call when fighting you like some bandit chieftain and some boss who don't fight fairly and uses mount combat to fight you.


Potion Toxicity, animation, npc uses them and alchemy scaling: Seriously Poison in the game is useless in higher lvl


Silver Hands are sadistic professional werewolf hunter: Give them cool armor and differentate them to other bandit faction.

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I'd like more lore-friendly clothing and armor mods that fit the smaller bodies. Do you have any idea how many times I've seen a high quality, intricately detailed armor set only to click the full image and ask "Where are her pants?" I don't mind that some people prefer a different visual aesthetic, but I play Skyrim because I want to be a part of that era and get drawn in to that world. The amount of mods that allow me to do this are shockingly limiting. High heeled combat boots? No thanks, not for me. I have yet to find more than one or two solid, good lore-friendly armor/clothing mods. It is Skyrim, land of leather and fur. You can do so many things with those. Instead we've got spandex and bikini armor (and high heels).


I just want a whole set of armor mods that take my breath away while being lore friendly.

I think I know the mod you are looking for...


Its called immersive armours, it adds ( i think) over 100 new armour sets that work for both males and females, and better yet they aren't tramp or stupidly exposed with the women variants! Also, as you can guess, these mods are meant to be very lore friendly and fit with skyrim's overarching theme



I have this mod, but I wouldn't describe it as "take my breath away." It makes a lot of armor look a lot better, but when I go to find the custom armor sets, the beautiful ones with intricate deatil are usually slutty or have really dumb heels.


Grace Darkling's ranger armor is one of the best I've seen so far. I just wish there was more.


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I'd like more lore-friendly clothing and armor mods that fit the smaller bodies. Do you have any idea how many times I've seen a high quality, intricately detailed armor set only to click the full image and ask "Where are her pants?" I don't mind that some people prefer a different visual aesthetic, but I play Skyrim because I want to be a part of that era and get drawn in to that world. The amount of mods that allow me to do this are shockingly limiting. High heeled combat boots? No thanks, not for me. I have yet to find more than one or two solid, good lore-friendly armor/clothing mods. It is Skyrim, land of leather and fur. You can do so many things with those. Instead we've got spandex and bikini armor (and high heels).


I just want a whole set of armor mods that take my breath away while being lore friendly.

I think I know the mod you are looking for...


Its called immersive armours, it adds ( i think) over 100 new armour sets that work for both males and females, and better yet they aren't tramp or stupidly exposed with the women variants! Also, as you can guess, these mods are meant to be very lore friendly and fit with skyrim's overarching theme



I have this mod, but I wouldn't describe it as "take my breath away." It makes a lot of armor look a lot better, but when I go to find the custom armor sets, the beautiful ones with intricate deatil are usually slutty or have really dumb heels.


Grace Darkling's ranger armor is one of the best I've seen so far. I just wish there was more.



Oh, I haven't actually ever played a female Char but I thought it was actually decent armour (though i didn't really check)

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Better wolf models

They are everywhere, everytime, running around with their ugly broken legs animation and being ugly. For now I use Enhanced wolf Models, but I'd love to see some new, decent model.

I'd also like to see more randomized dog variations, not just Irish Wolfhounds and Huskies everywhere.

Automatic variants, I believe it's called...at least for variations.

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I'd like more lore-friendly clothing and armor mods that fit the smaller bodies. Do you have any idea how many times I've seen a high quality, intricately detailed armor set only to click the full image and ask "Where are her pants?" I don't mind that some people prefer a different visual aesthetic, but I play Skyrim because I want to be a part of that era and get drawn in to that world. The amount of mods that allow me to do this are shockingly limiting. High heeled combat boots? No thanks, not for me. I have yet to find more than one or two solid, good lore-friendly armor/clothing mods. It is Skyrim, land of leather and fur. You can do so many things with those. Instead we've got spandex and bikini armor (and high heels).


I just want a whole set of armor mods that take my breath away while being lore friendly.

I think I know the mod you are looking for...


Its called immersive armours, it adds ( i think) over 100 new armour sets that work for both males and females, and better yet they aren't tramp or stupidly exposed with the women variants! Also, as you can guess, these mods are meant to be very lore friendly and fit with skyrim's overarching theme



I have this mod, but I wouldn't describe it as "take my breath away." It makes a lot of armor look a lot better, but when I go to find the custom armor sets, the beautiful ones with intricate deatil are usually slutty or have really dumb heels.


Grace Darkling's ranger armor is one of the best I've seen so far. I just wish there was more.



Oh, I haven't actually ever played a female Char but I thought it was actually decent armour (though i didn't really check)



The armor looks nice, but it is often bulky compared to my body mesh (and I like to keep bodyweight on the heavier side. The mens armor fits them like a glove, so it's a bit weird.

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I want a journal like in Oblivion. Where I can read all the history of a quest, not just what I need to do right now. And with more first-person descriptions.

Even Better quest objectives helps a bit with this, but still I can't read the story from the beginning.

I would also like some options like manual quest categorizing and "abandon quest" feature (don't suggest "the choice is yours", it is not what I want - I want to track everything, but if at some point (not exactly at the beginning of the quest) I decide that I don't want to finish the quest - I abandon it).

I.e. I don't give a f*** about Mogrul sending thugs after me, they appeared to be pussies. So after first encounter I would just abandon "A new debt" quest.

Oh and also a "search" option would do nice in the journal (just like SkyUI added search to inventory, I want a mod that adds search to the journal)

Edited by Ubeogesh
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Remove essential status from the game completely and allow people to break quests. Let them kill kids too.


Bring back racial tensions and slavery.


Bring back character stats like strength and personality.


1) NPCs will just kill themselves before you know. A random bear on their way, or a dragon, or a vampire - and they're dead before you even encountered them. So I think this is a bad idea.

To be able to kill kids, there's a mod Non essential children: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13202/


2) There are racial tensions. Have you ever been in Windhelm and listened to NPCs? All over Skyrim, there are Nords that hate elves, there are the Thalmor that hate everyone else...


3) This is a matter of personal preference, so I won't be talking you out of it - but remember what Maiq The Liar says - "It doesn't matter how strong or smart one is - it only matters what one can do"

My preference is that is very good to get rid of that stats and not worry about annoying power leveling, or else your character would suck badly.

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What I really want - what I've always wanted - is an overhaul of the combat system that makes it more intuitive and skill based. I'm kinda sick of my character stumbling through battles like a drunk weilding a sledgehammer, relying entirely on overpowering my opponent with superior equipment and stats, as opposed to the agile, efficient, finely-tuned killing machine I actually want to play.


Some improvements I'd like to see:


-More responsive attack commands. I don't know if this has something to do with my settings, but if hold down my mouse button half a nanosecond too long, my character goes into a power attack. If my click is half a nanosecond too quick, the character doesn't attack at all. It's maddening.


-The ability to properly steer my character during power attacks, so that I don't stagger into a wall just because my opponent stepped to the side.


-The ability to interupt power attacks with a regular attack.


-The ability to switch from blocking to attacking right away, allowing for quick counter attacks.


-The ability to dodge rapidly backwards or to the side.


-A system for delivering critical damage by getting a certain timing right, say intercepting an enemy attack.


-The ability to attack while jumping or falling, goddammit.


-More realistic combat animations, particularly for two-handed weapons.

Edited by Relativelybest
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