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Bound bow arrows not disappearing?


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so i decided to play around with a bound bow in my house in Markarth and now there are 2 bound arrows stuck in my furniture that i cant get rid of.

The bow has long run out (i holstered it) but the arrows stay stuck in a dresser and a chair for quite a number of gamedays allready.


Since you cant pick up bound arrows like normal ones: are they now there for ever?

Anybody have a fix for this or an idea that might help?

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they will stay forever inside every buiilding, but only to a certain extent. it will only save up to 10-15 arrows. so go in the basement or somthing and just unload a bunch into a corner and the ones upstairs should go away


edit: i have 3 lvl 35-40's that use bound bows, ive screwed around with shooting every apple in every building im in >< so after a long while of doing it noticed that they do go away in the order you shoot them after an x amount are shot

Edited by frapfap
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they will stay forever inside every buiilding, but only to a certain extent. it will only save up to 10-15 arrows. so go in the basement or somthing and just unload a bunch into a corner and the ones upstairs should go away


edit: i have 3 lvl 35-40's that use bound bows, ive screwed around with shooting every apple in every building im in >< so after a long while of doping it noticed that they do go away in the aroder you shoot them after an x amount are shot



ill try this out soon, so i need to be in the same room/cell for this to work? going to another cell/zone does not count towards the limit of arrows used?

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they will stay forever inside every buiilding, but only to a certain extent. it will only save up to 10-15 arrows. so go in the basement or somthing and just unload a bunch into a corner and the ones upstairs should go away


edit: i have 3 lvl 35-40's that use bound bows, ive screwed around with shooting every apple in every building im in >< so after a long while of doping it noticed that they do go away in the aroder you shoot them after an x amount are shot



ill try this out soon, so i need to be in the same room/cell for this to work? going to another cell/zone does not count towards the limit of arrows used?



if theres a loading screen than it will be different / different area , and wont count.

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that fixed it. does need to be in the same cell idd.

Here's how i did it: shot a basket to get those bound arrows stuck in and after 14 arrows in that basket, i noticed the one in the dresser was gone, nr 15 in the basket, made the one in the chair vanish as well. after that i picked up the basket into my inventory and dropped it again: all gone


thx guys

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