Project579 Posted August 28, 2016 Share Posted August 28, 2016 Whats the size of you LOD? (approximately) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FredyPt Posted August 28, 2016 Author Share Posted August 28, 2016 <Plus this whole thing with Directx9 and 4Gb limit on Windows 8+ is so damn frustrating.> You must make sure you stay under the 4Gb VRAM limit. you may use Skyrim performance monitor.You won't have a constant 60 FPS, in some areas, depending on your load order, you'll have some loss. It depends on the loss.I was under it, a little strange that only with the enb reaches 2Gb. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FredyPt Posted August 28, 2016 Author Share Posted August 28, 2016 Whats the size of you LOD? (approximately)Can't answer to that, I can put the link to the reddit post later when I go back to the computer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darkstyler35 Posted August 28, 2016 Share Posted August 28, 2016 <I was under it, a little strange that only with the enb reaches 2Gb.> can you check your ENB settings ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Project579 Posted August 28, 2016 Share Posted August 28, 2016 LOD can really fill out your vram especially if you are on Win10 and you only have 4gig max. (I will now try my skyrim without LOD and 1 980ti on Win10 to tell you if i see a difference) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FredyPt Posted August 28, 2016 Author Share Posted August 28, 2016 <I was under it, a little strange that only with the enb reaches 2Gb.> can you check your ENB settings ? [PROXY]EnableProxyLibrary=falseInitProxyFunctions=true//ProxyLibrary=d3d9_SFX.dll//ProxyLibrary=d3d9_SweetFX.dll//ProxyLibrary=RCRN_d3d9.dll//ProxyLibrary=d3d9_smaa.dllProxyLibrary= [GLOBAL]UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=falseUseDefferedRendering=trueIgnoreCreationKit=trueForceFakeVideocard=false [PERFORMANCE]SpeedHack=trueEnableOcclusionCulling=trueEnableZPrepass=true [MULTIHEAD]ForceVideoAdapterIndex=falseVideoAdapterIndex=0 [MEMORY]ExpandSystemMemoryX64=falseReduceSystemMemoryUsage=trueDisableDriverMemoryManager=false // Set to true for AMD VideocardsDisablePreloadToVRAM=falseEnableUnsafeMemoryHacks=falseReservedMemorySizeMb=256 // Reduce to 256 or 128 if you have less than 3GB VRAMVideoMemorySizeMb=10240// less than 8GB Formula: (VRAM + RAM - 2048) , max value: 10240// more than 8GB Formula: (VRAM + RAM - 2048 / 2) , max value: 10240EnableCompression=false //set to false or true if you experience stuttering AutodetectVideoMemorySize=true // set to false for "VideoMemorySizeMb" to take effect [WINDOW]ForceBorderless=falseForceBorderlessFullscreen=false [ENGINE]ForceAnisotropicFiltering=trueMaxAnisotropy=8ForceLodBias=falseLodBias=-0.33 // Lower Values for more detailed Textures at distance, -0,33 selected for Vividian SetupEnableVSync=falseAddDisplaySuperSamplingResolutions=falseVSyncSkipNumFrames=0 [LIMITER]WaitBusyRenderer=falseEnableFPSLimit=falseFPSLimit=60.0 [iNPUT]//backKeyReadConfig=8//shiftKeyCombination=16//f12KeyUseEffect=123//homeKeyFPSLimit=36//num / 106KeyShowFPS=106//insertKeyScreenshot=45//enterKeyEditor=13//KeyFreeVRAM=122 [ADAPTIVEQUALITY]Enable=falseQuality=0DesiredFPS=20.0 [ANTIALIASING]EnableEdgeAA=true // set to true for Rudimentary Anti AliasingEnableTemporalAA=falseEnableSubPixelAA=false // set to true for Subpixel AntialiasingEnableTransparencyAA=false [FIX]FixGameBugs=trueFixParallaxBugs=trueFixAliasedTextures=trueIgnoreInventory=trueFixSsaoWaterTransparency=trueFixTintGamma=trueRemoveBlur=falseFixSubSurfaceScattering=trueFixSkyReflection=trueFixCursorVisibility=trueFixParallaxTerrain=false //enable for parralax effects on ground textures, makes only sense with texturepacksFixLag=false //enable if you experience mouselag Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FredyPt Posted August 28, 2016 Author Share Posted August 28, 2016 LOD can really fill out your vram especially if you are on Win10 and you only have 4gig max. (I will now try my skyrim without LOD and 1 980ti on Win10 to tell you if i see a difference)I was using High Quality LoDs, Enhanced Distant Terrain, The Skyrim Distance Overhaul and Skyrim Distant Detail. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lathalias Posted August 28, 2016 Share Posted August 28, 2016 (edited) After looking at your enb settings I would personally change autodetectvideomemorysize to false, so that the 10240 takes effect. Using vividian enb on my own setup, i get anywhere from 30 to 60 fps, depending on the scene. Interiors are almost always 60, whiterun plains are generally 60, using verdant grass. Vividian in my opinion is a somewhat intensive enb preset, not as bad as some others but it will make your fps take a good hit. But places with high amounts of lighting effects or npcs will drop it down. In comparison to the witcher 3, i get around 60 fps, sometimes higher with everything maxed out, hairworks all on, at 2560x1080p, this is outside and in villiages, pretty much always 60 fps or a bit more. However I cant say what I get in large cities as i've never been to one yet.. You never mentioned your resolution, what are you running at? Edited August 28, 2016 by Lathalias Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Project579 Posted August 28, 2016 Share Posted August 28, 2016 (edited) So i din't really notice an fps drop on my system (in 1080p fps on top left; VRAM always full): My LOD quality is 256: and FPS testing: with LOD: without LOD: black aura around the lights is cause by a known bug between RealVision COT V and ELFX 3.0 will get fixed in the next ENB update). Other testing (the weather decided to change on me so i don't think it's a valid): with LOD: without LOD: Invalid test: with LOD: without LOD: one is strange the one without LOD has less frames than the one with it :dry: probably just the fact that on Win10 it just doesn't work) I'm not good with screenshots so no judges pls :happy: .(tell me if the links work) Mod pack !work in progress! : <--- normal modwatch doesn't seem to work (ENB is RealVision for COT V + SweetFX). On the SKSE memory patch don't go over 1024 on Mod Organizer or the game will crash if the memory fills up. Edited August 28, 2016 by Project579 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FredyPt Posted August 28, 2016 Author Share Posted August 28, 2016 After looking at your enb settings I would personally change autodetectvideomemorysize to false, so that the 10240 takes effect. Using vividian enb on my own setup, i get anywhere from 30 to 60 fps, depending on the scene. Interiors are almost always 60, whiterun plains are generally 60, using verdant grass. Vividian in my opinion is a somewhat intensive enb preset, not as bad as some others but it will make your fps take a good hit. But places with high amounts of lighting effects or npcs will drop it down. In comparison to the witcher 3, i get around 60 fps, sometimes higher with everything maxed out, hairworks all on, at 2560x1080p, this is outside and in villiages, pretty much always 60 fps or a bit more. However I cant say what I get in large cities as i've never been to one yet.. You never mentioned your resolution, what are you running at?I started with autodetectvideomemorysize to false, but then changed it. I get always 60+ fps while on interiors. I play on 1920x1080. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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