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So i din't really notice an fps drop on my system (in 1080p fps on top left; VRAM always full):


My LOD quality is 256: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwIs0R_Z0S2DZDRoRi1RRXMzM1k/view?usp=sharing and https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwIs0R_Z0S2DcDRaUHFrUzNHNDQ/view?usp=sharing


FPS testing: with LOD: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwIs0R_Z0S2DQTlKeUVvYjY3N2c/view?usp=sharing without LOD: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwIs0R_Z0S2DS0dNTTdONVBvUm8/view?usp=sharing

(the black aura around the lights is cause by a known bug between RealVision COT V and ELFX 3.0 will get fixed in the next ENB update).


Other testing (the weather decided to change on me so i don't think it's a valid): with LOD: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwIs0R_Z0S2DenpEdXQ0T1h3Mkk/view?usp=sharing without LOD: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwIs0R_Z0S2DWkg4VkNuSUtKTlk/view?usp=sharing


Invalid test: with LOD: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwIs0R_Z0S2DNW5hX1FpRFRlWEk/view?usp=sharing without LOD: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwIs0R_Z0S2DYVRXOFROSXp6cU0/view?usp=sharing

(this one is strange the one without LOD has less frames than the one with it :dry: probably just the fact that on Win10 it just doesn't work)


I'm not good with screenshots so no judges pls :happy: .

(tell me if the links work)


Mod pack !work in progress! : https://testing-ee4f4.firebaseapp.com/u/Star579 <--- normal modwatch doesn't seem to work (ENB is RealVision for COT V + SweetFX).


On the SKSE memory patch don't go over 1024 on Mod Organizer or the game will crash if the memory fills up.

Yes all the links work. What are your specs btw?

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Outside i always have 60fps.


Pc specs (on those screen shots i was using only one GPU in Win10):

Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-6700K Processor (8M Cache, up to 4.60 GHz OC)
Memory: G.SKILL Ripjaws V DDR4 32GB (8GBx4) 3200MHz 14-14-14-34-2N 1.35v
Graphics Card: Dual "EVGA NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti Classified" SLI
Power Supply: Corsair AX 1200i
OS Drive: Intel® SSD 750 400GB (~200GB Win10, ~200GB Win7) (connected to m.2 slot)
CPU Cooler: EKWB EK-XLC Predator 240
Fans: 6 x Noctua NF-A14 IndustrialPPC-3000 PWM
Games SSD: Samsung 850 Pro 1TB
Edited by Project579
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What kind of fps are you getting outside? if youre not getting 60fps anywhere outside id be a bit concerned, but if its just certain areas I would say thats normal. I think even mxr on youtube got a 1080 and wasnt hitting 60 fps.

That is the thing, with all those Lod's, with some texture mods and Enb I didn't even reached 60 fps in most of the parts.

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Outside i always have 60fps.


Pc specs (on those screen shots i was using only one GPU in Win10):

Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-6700K Processor (8M Cache, up to 4.60 GHz OC)
Memory: G.SKILL Ripjaws V DDR4 32GB (8GBx4) 3200MHz 14-14-14-34-2N 1.35v
Graphics Card: Dual "EVGA NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti Classified" SLI
Power Supply: Corsair AX 1200i
OS Drive: Intel® SSD 750 400GB (~200GB Win10, ~200GB Win7) (connected to m.2 slot)
CPU Cooler: EKWB EK-XLC Predator 240
Fans: 6 x Noctua NF-A14 IndustrialPPC-3000 PWM
Games SSD: Samsung 850 Pro 1TB


You are even that far from my specs and I still can't get this to work smooth.

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So try making Skyrim vanilla again, move the installation outside of User Account Control (UAC) protected folders (copy the old installation somewhere if you want to keep everything) Link on how to 100% clean Skyrim: http://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:Make_Skyrim_Vanilla_Again Launch the game to set the .ini.


Then download SKSE: move only "skse_loader.exe", "skse_1_9_32.dll", "skse_steamloader.dll" and the folder called "src" inside the Skyrim directory where "TESV.exe" is located. Before copying make sure that the archive is not blocked by windows right click the archive go to "Proprieties" and in the "General" tab check if there is a Security thing on the bottom saying: "This file came from another computer and might be blocked to help protect the computer." if there is select the box Unblock and then press Apply to save then OK to exit.


Then Download Mod Organizer from Nexus make sure that the installer is not blocked and use the portable installation method (create a folder iniside Skyrim and select it when installing Mod Organaizer).


After installing Mod Organaizer open it and create a new profile call it "Vanilla" and select "Local Save Game" "Local Game Setting" "Automatic Archive Invalidation" (you might not have "Local Game Setting") then click "Install a new mod from an archive" find your SKSE archive and select it on the pop up set the folder called "Data" in the archive as "Data Folder" on the left bottom the windows should say "Looks Good" change the name to SKSE Scripts then press "OK" and move the mod on top of the mods tab even before the Unmanaged DLCs if you want.


Make sure the mods tab is in order:

Unmanaged: Dawnguard

Unmanaged: HearthFires

Unmanaged: Dragonborn

Unmanaged: HighRes TexturePack01

Unmanaged: HighRes TexturePack02

Unmanaged: HighRes TexturePack03

SKSE Scripts


Then make sure the load order is ok:






HighRes TexturePack01<---disable it and make sure its selected in the archive tab and that the box Let Mod Organizer Manage archives is selected.

HighRes TexturePack02<---disable it and make sure its selected in the archive tab.

HighRes TexturePack03<---disable it and make sure its selected in the archive tab.


If SKSE didn't appear near the Run button add it by selecting the slider click <Edit> and type as title SKSE then search for the skse_loader.exe Binary and Add it.


Launch the game then tweak your .ini by clicking on the top of Mod Organizer "Tools" then "INI Editor".


After that add TES5Edit to Mod Organizer and clean the Master Files.


After confirming that the game works install the ENB. (If you want an exact explanation on how to install it tell me what ENB you are using.)


When you download something manually without manager always make sure they are not blocked.

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What are your specs exactly? Have you changed anything in your ini files? And what is your cpu and gpu utilization % while playing?

This can answer all your questions, right?

Edit: I didn't change anything in the ini's except for the recommended settings for the enb.

Edited by FredyPt
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So try making Skyrim vanilla again, move the installation outside of User Account Control (UAC) protected folders (copy the old installation somewhere if you want to keep everything) Link on how to 100% clean Skyrim: http://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:Make_Skyrim_Vanilla_Again Launch the game to set the .ini.


Then download SKSE: move only "skse_loader.exe", "skse_1_9_32.dll", "skse_steamloader.dll" and the folder called "src" inside the Skyrim directory where "TESV.exe" is located. Before copying make sure that the archive is not blocked by windows right click the archive go to "Proprieties" and in the "General" tab check if there is a Security thing on the bottom saying: "This file came from another computer and might be blocked to help protect the computer." if there is select the box Unblock and then press Apply to save then OK to exit.


Then Download Mod Organizer from Nexus make sure that the installer is not blocked and use the portable installation method (create a folder iniside Skyrim and select it when installing Mod Organaizer).


After installing Mod Organaizer open it and create a new profile call it "Vanilla" and select "Local Save Game" "Local Game Setting" "Automatic Archive Invalidation" (you might not have "Local Game Setting") then click "Install a new mod from an archive" find your SKSE archive and select it on the pop up set the folder called "Data" in the archive as "Data Folder" on the left bottom the windows should say "Looks Good" change the name to SKSE Scripts then press "OK" and move the mod on top of the mods tab even before the Unmanaged DLCs if you want.


Make sure the mods tab is in order:

Unmanaged: Dawnguard

Unmanaged: HearthFires

Unmanaged: Dragonborn

Unmanaged: HighRes TexturePack01

Unmanaged: HighRes TexturePack02

Unmanaged: HighRes TexturePack03

SKSE Scripts


Then make sure the load order is ok:






HighRes TexturePack01<---disable it and make sure its selected in the archive tab and that the box Let Mod Organizer Manage archives is selected.

HighRes TexturePack02<---disable it and make sure its selected in the archive tab.

HighRes TexturePack03<---disable it and make sure its selected in the archive tab.


If SKSE didn't appear near the Run button add it by selecting the slider click <Edit> and type as title SKSE then search for the skse_loader.exe Binary and Add it.


Launch the game then tweak your .ini by clicking on the top of Mod Organizer "Tools" then "INI Editor".


After that add TES5Edit to Mod Organizer and clean the Master Files.


After confirming that the game works install the ENB. (If you want an exact explanation on how to install it tell me what ENB you are using.)


When you download something manually without manager always make sure they are not blocked.

I was already using MO. I know my way around it too, been modding Skyrim for 3 years. And that is what makes me mad, I usually find some solution to my problems but can't find one for this.

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Yes and it doesn't seem to be a vram related problem. Update your modwatch as well first part of mods tab is wrong:

Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack03
Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack02
Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack01
Unmanaged: HearthFires
Unmanaged: Dragonborn

Unmanaged: Dawnguard

Should be like this:
Unmanaged: Dawnguard
Unmanaged: HearthFires
Unmanaged: Dragonborn
Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Unmanaged: HighRes TexturePack01
Unmanaged: HighRes TexturePack02
Unmanaged: HighRes TexturePack03
Unofficial High Resolution Patch
skse 1 07 03
Unofficial ELFX SMIM ENB fps performance patch should go under ELFX and SMIM in the mods tab.
After fixing those follow this guide: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/753253-only-you-can-prevent-forest-fires/ for fixing the load order and the mod order if a mod is overwriting some files make sure that it's what it is suppose to do.
Edited by Project579
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