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Skryim CTD after 5min of play-HELP!


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system: intel core 2.7 proc 16 gb ram, 64 bit ops, geforce gtx 680 win 7pro




mod organizer v1.3.11



skse 1.7.3


and this is the error msg I got from loot: [0827/161721:ERROR:main_

delegate.cc(773)] Could not load cef_extensions.pak
as posted by bben46 in asking for help
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Whats an intel core 2.7 you mean? an intel CPU that goes at 2.7Ghz is it a celeron, a pentium dual core, an i5 what?

So you have skyrim, skse and mod organizer that's it right?

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pentium dual core i5 2.7


and yes to skyrim skse and mo


sorry about that I've been running experiments on skyrim, I've been reading that some people have been able to run 100+ mods with no problem their pc is probably better than mine, so I"m just running 63 mods and see how that turns out


are there "key" mods one should have to run a smoother game?

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  • Geforce gtx 680 win 7pro = 2 Gb or 4 GB VRAM ? (Need to know informations about your harware, temperature, etc... ? Speccy may help you).
  • Pentium dual core i5 2.7 = this meet the minimal recommandations to use skyrim. Be aware that using mods will increase drastically the load of your CPU. Skyrim requirements.
  • <Could not load cef_extensions.pak> I've tried to google search that but didn't find anything accurate on this matter. Suggest you also post a request on https://github.com/loot/loot/issues/. If so and if you have an answer, it would be useful to post back the results here. Thanks.

Good luck

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