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Improving smithing system


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Just a little immersion niggle, but it is very easy for a player character with only a small armory skill to vastly improve any armor or weapon they buy, because blacksmiths sell only base quality items (fine, exquisite, etc). Only base quality weapons are distributed throughout the game, and it is up to the player to improve them. I'd like to create a mod that changes this.


  • Basic vendors like general stores would usually sell just basic items with no modifiers
  • Blacksmiths sell items with higher quality modifiers
  • The initial quality depends on the blacksmith
  • Some characters have higher quality weapons and armor. For example, a seasoned adventure would have better iron armor than a regular bandit

Some improvements I'd like to make to the smithing system:

  • Change texture and maybe model depending on quality
  • Add additional modifiers, including some negative ones like crude
  • Make it cost more materials to upgrade an armor to legendary than to fine, even for someone with very high smithing. You could also choose how far you'd like to upgrade an item
  • Require a higher smithing skill to craft fine items. Maybe 30 or something, but anyone would be able to improve crude items
  • Characters with low smithing skill would only create crude items
  • Making costlier items improves skill further. You'd get more skill from creating a leather suit of armor than leather gloves, for example
  • As your skill increases, the gain you get from cheap items decreases. This prevents such exploits as grinding skill with iron daggers.

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