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Game crashes whenever I attack?!


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Help! I've been playing Skyrim for a while now and have just managed to get as far as three shouts (retrieving that horn for the Greybeards) and then suddenly I could no longer hit anything because as soon as I swing a sword or fire an arrow, my game crashes to desktop without as much as an error or explanation. I tried googling this, but I found no simmilar topic. It's not a tehnical problem, I'm sure, since the game worked fine until now (I have Win7 32bit, 4GB ram, Intel Core2 Quad CPU 2.40GHz, ATI Radeon HD 5600 and all the latest drivers). The crash happens with different enemies, I even tried not hitting anything and just ran through, to see if it was a room problem, but sooner or later I just have to hit something and the game crashes again. Please help me, if you have any idea what could be wrong!


Edit: Reinstalling saved it... for now...

Edited by willyrka
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