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Loot cannot sort because of a cycle interactions between mods no longer there?


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Loot cannot sort load order because of a cycle interactions between mods no longer there? I removed them, because it said that and its still saying that, first it was the bashed patch then some other mod.


All I did was try to get better vampires script working by reinstalling my vampire mods and re installing them in proper order or trying to. This is a pain. Please advise.


I have never had bv scripts crap out on me like this by the way on a vanilla race. I followed the directions to reset it, and for good measure reinstalled all vamp mods in proper order.

Edited by skyquest32
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If the mods are deactivated but still there LOOT will show that message; do you have some custom settings for plugins on LOOT?

I have wryre bash and I suspect the problem is I really dont know how to import the files it suggests to the bash patch despite reading, I know how to mark as mergable and click on it and select rebuild patch, how to allow ghosting but this is not building the patch and I think my screwing around is duplicating stuff uninstalled from nmm i am unsure though.

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