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Going into sneak by itself


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I encountered this bug where my game is going into sneak by itself. Whenever I go into 3rd person I automatically start sneaking for some reason. Also, when I bring up the pipboy my character briefly crouches and stands back up when in 3rd person.


It only seems to happen when I'm wearing the power armor. Also, immediately after going into the power armor I go into crouch. Whenever I talk to an NPC while wearing the power armor I go into crouch.


Has anyone encountered this bug before?





Edited by pheroux
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  • 4 weeks later...

I had to uninstall this mod because it bugged out my sneak for some reason.


Take Cover


Did you also have the cannibalism perk? Because I also have Take Cover and it never messes with my Sneak and I never go into Sneak when I don't want to. Until.... UNTIL! I took the cannibal perk. Shortly after I cannibalized my first corpse, I kept dropping into an extreme sneak crouch where I couldn't move at all. I reloaded to before I took cannibalism and problem solved. I never looked into whether it was somehow also linked to Take Cover...

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