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npc/companion armor


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Maybe it's just me, but I'm kinda getting a little sick of requests for mods that have already been done, done again, and done some more every other day. If I see one more "can u make teh emperorz armor plz!" I'm gonna lose my mind.


With that said, keep this in mind: if you have an idea for a mod that

1) makes armor, clothing, or accessories playable

2) makes an NPC or your horse essential or non-essential

3) increases the value or strength of a weapon or set of armor

4) puts a player-owned house somewhere

5) makes Dremoras a playable race

6) alters vampires' faces or protects them from the sun, or

7) gives you an instant-kill spell,

search for it in the file index before you set upon the mod request forum with your question. It will be there, trust me. In fact, if you are tempted to type "it's probably easy to make, so could somebody make it?" then chances are, somebody already has.


If it's not already made, then go nuts, somebody will be happy you had the idea. Otherwise, let's not clutter up the forum with redundant posts.


This is not the first time someone is asking ''Is there a ....?''

This is request/suggestions.


If you can't find the mod, go to the Oblivion Mod Detectives


PS: It would probably be best to download one of the CM Companions (Divine Avenger's Beauties ). They allow you to take their armour and repair it for them

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I've actually just created a spell for Rhianna to do that by using the latest OBSE Version 14.


I don't have it set up in a way to use it with arbitrary pc's - but if anyone wants it I can just post the script here when I get home tonight. Let me know.



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In case anyone wants this - it will repair and recharge and repair all equipment and weapons that are currently equipped on the NPC who is a "victim" of this spell. ("a1jDebug" is a global variable I added.) You need OBSE v14 to run this.


ScriptName a1jRechargeMagicScript

long lBaseAmount
float fCurrentAmount
float fRepairAmount
short sItemIndex
ref rItem

Begin ScriptEffectStart
set sItemIndex to 0
saveIP 10
set rItem to GetEquippedObject sItemIndex
if (rItem)
	set lBaseAmount to GetObjectCharge rItem
	set fCurrentAmount to GetEquippedCurrentCharge sItemIndex
	if (fCurrentAmount  < lBaseAmount )
		set fRepairAmount to lBaseAmount - fCurrentAmount
		ModEquippedCurrentCharge fRepairAmount sItemIndex
		if a1jDebug
			message "Recharged slot %f by %f" sItemIndex fRepairAmount 
	set lBaseAmount to GetObjectHealth rItem
	set fCurrentAmount to GetEquippedCurrentHealth sItemIndex
	if (fCurrentAmount  < lBaseAmount )
		set fRepairAmount to lBaseAmount - fCurrentAmount
		ModEquippedCurrentHealth fRepairAmount sItemIndex
		if a1jDebug
			message "Repaired slot %f by %f" sItemIndex fRepairAmount
if sItemIndex < 18
	set sItemIndex to sItemIndex + 1
	restoreIP 10
set rItem to 0



Since an NPC will remove any broken equipment, you need to make sure you use this spell before the item is totally broken. This next script uses 50% as the threshold.


long lItemIndex
ref rItem
ref rNPC


set rNPC to GetSelf

saveIP 2
	set rItem to GetEquippedObject lItemIndex
	if (rItem)	
		if ((2 * GetEquippedCurrentHealth lItemIndex) < GetObjectHealth rItem) || ((2  * GetEquippedCurrentCharge lItemIndex) < GetObjectCharge rItem)
			cast a1jRechargeSelfSpell rNPC
		set lItemIndex to lItemIndex+ 1
		RestoreIP 2



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