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RealVision ENB acting odd


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Hey, so I am using the Realvision ENB For Climates of Tam. V. for .302 ENB, since .308 isnt out yet.


Once I played an hour or two in the game my ENB FPS started to do somthing weird. It was Capping its self at 109.9 and after 2 seconds it would drop to 72.0 then another 2 seconds it goes back to 109.9.

I have never seen it do that befor, and what is more weird, when I go into riften ( I have it heavily modded ) my FPS drops to 45-50. But the ENB still goes 109.9 to 72.0 lol.


When i started my game my fps would range from 45-120/130 depending where I was and what I was looking at. So i shut my computer down for the night, started playing today and then the ENB was doing the weird frame thing. I didnt change anything.... nor installed anything new. Literally - Played game, Sleep, Woke up played game.

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When I set the FPS limit to 60 it drops to 48 and stays there. thats why I had it off


Sorry, with the limiter from the ENB it goes to 28.5

Edited by kayden87
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The ENB limiter has been broken with the latest Nvidia Update disable Vsync both on ENB and Skyrim and use something like Nvidia Inspector to lock the frames to 60.

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Well. I used the NVIDIA Vsync for my 1070 and It goes up to 120 still. Going to DL the Nvidia Inspector


Nvidia inspector same thing... goes well over 80-120 frames still with Vsync Force On

Edited by kayden87
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If its capped in NVIDIA Inspector at 60 it should be good. Even if it goes at 65 some times it doesn't make a difference.

Edited by Project579
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