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Odd moments


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Actually, this is Balmora. I'm trying to say that the games NPC's fell into the river. It wasn't supossed to happen. It was a glitch in the games pathing. Some NPC's missed the bridge and fell in. These include: A Hlaalu Guard, Raryn Radyrys, and some other guys I can't remember.

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  • 2 months later...
Cool. While we're on the subject of self-made super weapons, I would like to mention that my current blade, named Fang, has an extremely powerful absorb health enchantment on it. When the enchantment hits its high end, it can do up to 132 damage a hit.


Any one else got any self-made super weapons out there?


I once made a crossbow that fired 50 daedric dai-katanas in 5 secs.

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  • 7 months later...
strange things eh>>>>>the one day while playing morrowind i happend to take the silt strider service from balmora to ald-rhun.to my dismay i found myself attatched to the guy that offers the service.dont get me wrong looking like a two-headed-ashnord was pretty kewl but i couldnt talk to my new half to take me back to balmora. :wallbash: :wallbash: beat that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • 2 months later...

My game bugged while I was fooling around with my level 42 char, and as I jumped straight up into the air I found myself flying. I just let it continue, and after a lot of loading and flying through clouds I landed in Khuul. This is cool, considering I had taken off in Sadrith Mora and wasn't using any cheats or anything.


And once when I was walking around right next to the outside of the Ghostgate, five dead cliff racers fell out of the sky on top of me, all at once. I hadn't even shot a single arrow, and I couldn't see anyone else who could possibly have killed the cliff racers.


Hm.. what else. Once I found seven ash slave corpses piled under the silt strider bridgething in Balmora, and I couldn't get rid of them even though I tried disposing of the corpses. I waited next to them for a day, and they had all disappeared when my waiting ended.



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  • 3 weeks later...
I once found a man who was paralysed by a witch and got robbed of everything except his underwear.

I found him also!

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  • 1 year later...

I ended up seeing one of the people in balmora fall into the river once. I went into a building, and when I came back out, he was on land, but still doing the floating animation. It was really odd.


I've seen that too, it ended up crashing my game. I don't know how.


For me the oddest thing would have to be when I finished doing two quests for the Thieves Guild in Ald'ruhn, and I went off to a dungeon for some loot and was killed. I went back to redo the two quests, I was assigned the first quest, was caught and killed, reloaded a save, went back to get the quest again, and he assigned me the second quest. The save I reloaded the first time I died was after I had done the first quest. Not very good, but that's all I can remember aside from seeing a slaugther fish outside of water, floating in the air and stuck in a swimming animation.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Here's my odd "lucky to be alive moment". I have this certain system I use for when I'm just starting out in Morrowind now, and part of it involves raiding the Dren Plantation near Pelagiad of its skooma and moon sugar.


I cleaned the place out of all the stuff I wanted, and then decided to see if I could swipe some of the really valuable stuff on Orvas Dren's shelf for kicks. Well, I got super lucky. I had a sneak skill of 5 and yet I managed to steal the ebony cuirass right off of the shelf.


Dren has a very nice spear, so make sure you don't tick him off or he'll shish-kabob ya!

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