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Night Eye Motion blur issues


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Folks I'm having a bear of a time with this version of Nighteye in Skyrim. First it gives me a serious sense of nausea after moving thru a n area in stealth mode. Second, using it for any length of time triggers some light sensitive migraines I'm prone to and according to my doctor is a possibly a pre-Petite Mal seizure warning. I really need the light in it turned down but most of all the motion blur/tunnel vision has to go away. Any hope for this outside of the Creation Kit?
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Anyone have any idea if it's even possible?

I know it's possible to remove the blur as I've seen a couple other mods that remove it from other aspects of the game (death/kill cams). I'm not savvy enough to make a mod yet or I would have done this already myself (and posted it).


I love my Kitty Thief, but I HATE the blur around Night Eye. The entire point of playing a Khajit is Night Eye (or at least half of it... playing a cat is just fun in itself lol)

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