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Mod author assistance required - Making "effector" projectiles


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I'm trying to make projectiles (or similar point 'n shoot function objects) that DO stuff, like unlock doors/terminals/containers and or make non-organic NPCs do something neato (a random dance animation is my thought) when struck. There is a spell in Skyrim with a forgotten name that makes people dance, if I could port it and apply it as a weapon/object effect somehow, that'd be 1/2 done. Fairly sure I just need to attach a script to the proj I want that generically "activates" scripted stuff, and would prefer if it had a bit of randomness to it, as well, IE it doesn't ALWAYS do what you expect it to, the mod I'm workin on is a bit of erratic fun, wearing a cool bowtie and a fez, if that helps you figure it out any.

I'm VERY comfortable modding almost anything FO4, except Papyrus (still much much much to learn there, very "dense" for me, but I'm comfortable enough to eventually muddle my way through it, I'm VERY comfortable with Windows/Android scripting, so it's just the functions/parameters and stuff I'm lacking, mostly. ) so I don't need someone to do the work for me, just some pointers on how to achieve the effect(s) I'm, lookin for, and a vanilla (or mod, with permission) "base" script ref to use as a framework.



"I am, and always will be, the eternal optimist, the hoper of far-flung hopes. The dreamer of impossible dreams."


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While scripts can't be put directly on projectiles, there are multiple ways you can work with them. The easiest example would be to simply add an "explosion" effect to a projectile that would then do what you want - when the projectile hits something, the explosion is created, and that will then effect whatever actor or object the explosion contacts. As per your example, all you would need to do is add a random element to the resulting ActiveMagicEffect placed on the explosion that would cause the actors "caught" in the explosion to play the requisite Idle effect.

Edited by Reneer
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