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Yes I am aware that the creation kit is not yet available.

With that said.


Remember in Morrowind when you could have a crossbow? Was I the only one who was completely dissapointed when

Oblivion had no crossbows, and the only mods that added them were..... yeah... Magic arrow shooting machine gun staves,

that were reskined to look the part.. And then Skyrim was released and I searched far and wide, still no Xbows that (I would

imagine with the "new" physics engine not found in Morrowind) could stick my foes to the wall that had recently called them a 'Skeever butt!'

Or at least (with the more powerful arbalast) cause them to stagger while I go through the slow process

of pulling the string back with an attached winch that makes all sorts of horrible metal grinding sounds.




Who is planning on making crossbows?

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I'm sure i saw in the item code list a code for a dwarven sphere crossbow, although when i tried it nothing happened....I'm sure someone will make one've the crossbows from those dwarven sphere robots though! pretty easy to incorporate a quest to the item also.


Edit: found the item code for those interested: 0010EC8A crDwarvenSphereC rossbo w02

Edited by deaallen
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