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Texturing woes


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I've been trying to fix this problem for a while now and no matter what I do in GIMP, my textures always look like they do in the ss. The first attachment is how my meshes look with the texture (regardless of method used to create it) in NifSkope, and the second attachment is how the texture looks when loaded back up once saved. I've looked and looked but nothing I do ends up being right. What am I doing wrong?
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I assume the problem is that it is showing up transparent.


If it didn't look that way when you first made it in GIMP and it did after you took it out of NifSkope then I think the problem is probably nifskope.

How does the model look in game?

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I haven't tried it in game yet, but when I've applied it to the weapon I'm using in GECK it looks the exact same as it does in NifSkope. I'm not saving it transparent, when I point the mesh to use the texture, that's what it looks like.
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Nope. It looks the same in-game as it does in NifSkope and the GECK.


Perhaps if I go through my process of how I edit the texture...


1) Load up the throwingknife_d.dds in GIMP, no mipmaps

2) Create a layer above the original one

3) Using the fuzzy selector tool, start selecting colored regions from the normal texture and bucket fill them on the "poison layer" above it

4) Merge layer down

5) Save as throwingknife_b.dds, generate mipmaps, Alpha Ex, dxt5

6) Direct the former throwingknife_d.dds texture to the modded throwingknife_b.dds texture in nifskope


And that's where the problems start.

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