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Creating a TEAM! NEED Modders NOW!


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It has no symetry, terrible textures and is just terrible, the suit isn't even rigged properly! But at the time it was the most awesome thing ever. I had MADE something and it was in a video game. That's how it started, the obsession, the learning, the hours shut away pouring my heart and soul into this and now I can do stuff like this...


I have to agree with Rotten and Raff that this is key. I have even less ability than some of the other folks in this thread. I've made all of two published mods. My first one was decorating the roof area of Home Plate and I was freaking HIGH on the excitement for several days. Now I know that some of my techniques used in it were poor. My second mod was so small it's almost not even worth mentioning, I added three objects and some navmeshing to make a bridge for a bridge. But you know I'm still proud of it because someone else said "that bridge sucks" and I remembered that not only did I agree that bridge sucks...but more importantly, I had the power and the ability to DO SOMETHING about it. And I did. I didn't wait for someone else to do it. Now I'm working on a new project, that is actually part of a team. I came to the other two mod authors with a fairly fleshed out idea, but most importantly I came to them with an outline of what I myself expected to contribute and it was a significant contribution to the project. I wasn't just an idea person who intended to manage their work. Plus it was an idea that helps them enhance their own existing body of work in complimentary ways, so we all win. I researched collaboration tools and then setup a private collaboration space with the tools needed by a team spread out in drastically different parts of the world and we've been making quite a bit of headway for weeks now. So I didn't just have the idea, I put in the effort to get the ball rolling for it. Then I dove right in and started producing content with a gusto immediately to demonstrate I really am serious about making this mod idea work. We'll probably be ready to publish in a month or so. It'd probably be sooner if not for the fact that I have to be out of town for 2.5 weeks during that time and won't have access to creation software. >.<

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I just wanted people who wanted to help me make something epic. I have been working on this thing since the damn creation kit came out. Idk what I said in my original post to piss you guys off but, Idk, maybe you all arn't the peep's im looking for. Notice how I keep doin the whole not talkin right for ya'll.. Cuz atm I feel your all a bunch of a holes who can suck it. Not name calling. Just speaking fact. Thank you to the few who were major d bag's but I guess this might not be the way I wanna make this thing.

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I just wanted people who wanted to help me make something epic. I have been working on this thing since the damn creation kit came out. Idk what I said in my original post to piss you guys off but, Idk, maybe you all arn't the peep's im looking for. Notice how I keep doin the whole not talkin right for ya'll.. Cuz atm I feel your all a bunch of a holes who can suck it. Not name calling. Just speaking fact. Thank you to the few who were major d bag's but I guess this might not be the way I wanna make this thing.


You're gonna get out of this what you put in. And if all you put in is insults, all you're gonna get back out is insults. And you're saying this after guys like the_rotten_core came to bat for you.

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And so I dont get hated on for editing my ish, I forgot to mention the only reason I'm even here is I lost all my work in a hard drive. So before you haters start with your hating. I know I shoulda backed it up. I know it was dumb not too, but wow this is the world of the modding fallout 4 nexus community huh?>?

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And so I dont get hated on for editing my ish, I forgot to mention the only reason I'm even here is I lost all my work in a hard drive. So before you haters start with your hating. I know I shoulda backed it up. I know it was dumb not too, but wow this is the world of the modding fallout 4 nexus community huh?>?


We don't even know what mod you want to make, and insulted us when we asked and had a good laugh.

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Uh, yeah. Like I said before, ideas are a dime a dozen. If you want to get a team together, you need to show progress, commitment, etc, or at the very least explain what your idea is so people know what they're joining.

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