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"Data Files" don't enable no matter what I do


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Not sure if you have found the answer yet but I was having the same problem. I was actually about to try my hand at reinstalling the game and I was going to back up my save files first. In the file path \\Documents/My Games/Skyrim there is another SkyrimPrefs.ini file. This one for me was lacking the bEnableFileSection=1 line of code under the [Launcher] section, once I plugged this into the file and saved it worked like a champ. Hope this helps.
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Your problems would seem to be caused by simple typos in the .ini files.






By Talos, I can't believe that was the problem!! Thank you so much sir!


However, I think that wasn't just my mistake since I've just copied the code from somewhere else ("Section" made perfect sense for me lol). Maybe that's why so many people are getting the same issue, someone should put that info in a FAQ or something.


Also, thanks for everyone who answered ^^ You guys are awesome.

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Not typing wrong and getting the same problem.


Have you tried my previous advice and checked both of the .ini files. There is one located in the main folder but there is another one located with the Save files. Mine defaulted (Win7) to Documents/My Games/Skyrim. Check that SkyrimPrefs.ini and make sure that reads the same. If you are still having problems after that, then I am fresh out of ideas.

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Hah, I just got lucky really. Funny story. I was just searching the forum to figure out how to enable mods for Skyrim and noticed this topic. I only noticed the misspellings because I tried copy-pasting the text from the first post to my .ini files to get my mods functioning. That's probably why I spotted the problem while the much smarter and more computer literate folks who tried to help didn't notice it.
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Dear folks, i have the same problem. I checked everything, put the correct lines in both the Mygames\skyrim ini and the programfiles skyrim ini. I made sure all files were not read only and tried working with permissions. Whenever i check the box of a ESP file inside the Data files menu, i click okay, and when i click Data files again, it shows the boxes unchecked. Please help...
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Hey brother... try modify the SkyrimPrefs.ini on My Games in Documents... sorry for my english... I'm Brazilian

this is the solution!! I have had the same problem and used the all the possible solution, but the only that really works is this one!

thank you so much!! (I apologize too for my english, I'm Italian)

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