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Dragon Riders of Skyrim - An Eragon/Inheritance Based Mod



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YES PLEASE, Just make it so we can trigger the dragon's breath, and have a nice big crosshair for easy aiming!


Dont worry about complicating the flying mechanics!


suggestion: Press E to Mount dragon. Press jump to take off and rise vertically, dragon then hovers when no keys are pressed. press E again to decrese altitude and press E again when on the ground to dismount.

Caps-lock to soar, gradually losing altitude. No crashing, automatically lands when hitting the ground.


Press R to toggle between mouse heading and mouse aiming, in the latter mode the cursor can be moved around freely and the dragon turns his head to follow, making it easy to fire at targets without too many aerial manouevres. That is how the dragons roll in the game anyway, they can turn their head around to fire at targets.


Without this feature , the dragon riding will probaly be just a gimmick.


Press Sprint key for a power wingstroke for a momentary speed boost.


Make this fun, not a flight sim!


Also: only high-level NPC's can seriously harm or kill your dragon.


Stamina very slowly drains while flying. When stamina is zero dragon moves slower , cannor boost and cannot go higher, stamina quickly regenerates only when dragon is soaring or landed.. Maybe possibility to feed dragon with potions?


Looking forward to raiding Solitude on a Rainbow Dragon, sir!

Edited by Jaguarnaut
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Definitely possible, considering Saiden Storm's Akatosh Mount mod for Oblivion. I would very much like to see a mod like this made.


Paarthurnax and the Greybeards should definitely play a role in teaching dragons and riders the Way of the Voice. They could serve as the mentors of the order, while the player and Odahviing would be the first dragon and rider.


Recruitment shouldn't necessarily be limited to Dovahkiin, however, as that would severely limit the riders' numbers.


And, as pointed out, it should be made unique, distanced from Inheritance. Same basic idea, but overall a different story, different philosophy; the Way of the Voice should definitely play a role.


Maybe use Sky Haven Temple as a base in Skyrim, just tell Delphine and Esbern to get the hell up outta there!


Hold off on battling the Thalmor for now though, since Bethesda might have that planned for a DLC (you never know).


Just my thoughts, I'm very excited to see this mod.

Edited by Brad1959
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Problem with this idea: dragons in skyrim lore are beings who consider

a fight to the death to be good conversation. They do not "bond" with anything. The only reason they'd serve you is FEAR or because they know you are stronger than them. The mushy relationships in the series discussed above have NO place in skyrim. If any series of novels come close to the character of skyrim dragons, it's Fiesta's Riftwar saga with the dragons and Valheru, who essentially went around doing what skyrim dragons to: destroying, looting and plundering.


Don't destroy skyrim lore. That would ruin the dragon riding mod. Everyone has novels they like, but skyrim has its own lore too.

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Problem with this idea: dragons in skyrim lore are beings who consider

a fight to the death to be good conversation. They do not "bond" with anything. The only reason they'd serve you is FEAR or because they know you are stronger than them. The mushy relationships in the series discussed above have NO place in skyrim. If any series of novels come close to the character of skyrim dragons, it's Fiesta's Riftwar saga with the dragons and Valheru, who essentially went around doing what skyrim dragons to: destroying, looting and plundering.


Don't destroy skyrim lore. That would ruin the dragon riding mod. Everyone has novels they like, but skyrim has its own lore too.


I can see this being a problem now you mention it. Although Dragons in the Inheritance trilogy were once those which you describe, and the only reason they stopped fighting the other races is because they made a pact with the Elves so they did not end up wiping each other out; the pact being Dragon Riders. I wonder if this mod could in some way resemble these and skyrim dragons without destroying lore....guess it's up to the mod creators in the end, but I still think they'd do a good job; from what i've read so far, ideas sound awesome!

Edited by wardy164
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Problem with this idea: dragons in skyrim lore are beings who consider

a fight to the death to be good conversation. They do not "bond" with anything. The only reason they'd serve you is FEAR or because they know you are stronger than them. The mushy relationships in the series discussed above have NO place in skyrim. If any series of novels come close to the character of skyrim dragons, it's Fiesta's Riftwar saga with the dragons and Valheru, who essentially went around doing what skyrim dragons to: destroying, looting and plundering.


Don't destroy skyrim lore. That would ruin the dragon riding mod. Everyone has novels they like, but skyrim has its own lore too.


Odavhiing did say some dragons would bend to the thu'um of the dovakiin while others would not. Those that did not would undoubtedly be hunted by the Dovakiin to extinction. As we all now very well, the folk of Skyrim aren't the most accepting of people. They wouldn't be content with, "These ones are different, they won't kill you!" They would call for the death of all the dragons in the world as it is. And if the dovakiin didn't do it, the folk of Skyrim would. What's the dovakiin going to do, murder an entire province for one dying race?


The dragons would go extinct, that's really the only thing that can happen with vanilla lore. The people of skyrim would need some proof that the dragons have changed, and the dragons need a way to prove that they will refrain from ending the world. I would even go so far as to say that the only options the dragons have are to organize and form a pact, or die out and be forgotten. They are an ancient, and wise (albeit bloodthirsty) race, what do you think they would do?

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They would hide, only striking where they could be successful. They would become more mythological in the minds of the people. As they became more rare, it would make finding one able to be used as a weapon so much more remarkable. And perhaps a more organized threat by the remaining "evil" dragons could open up plot opportunities as this one dragon the main character rides becomes that much more important in fighting his own. Perhaps this dragon was betrayed by his own and allies with you for that reason. There are many possibilities without ripping off a novel series.
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I think I agree with DrakenKoren on their point. The dragons in Skyrim are not exactly the most sentimental beings. But, I think that some could come over to the Dovahkin's way of thinking, and perhaps form a working (if a bit uneasy) alliance. After all, Paarthunax can't be the only dragon that's a little curious about humans. We have heard about some dragons who have worked with humans, like the ones that taught humans the Thuum (if that wasn't all Paarthunax). I think I have even read something about how a dragon worked for Tiber Septim as a soldier, or something. So, the idea of a draconic alliance is perhaps not too farfetched. And I think that the mod should be kept as close to skyrim lore as possible. I sort of got the idea that this was about modifying Inheritance lore to fit in with Skyrim's lore, not the other way around. Taking bit's from Inheritance as a guide or inspiration to help make the premise of the mod more plausible and work better. I also like what some people are saying about the Dragonriders of Pern idea. I have read (most of) this series and like the idea of the new riders acting as the town's defense force, but the Dragon Riders would probably start small, not big enough to protect everywhere. And bowlofPetunias, I think that eventually, if the Dragonriders got big enough to start doing serious help as evidence that not all dragons will try to kill them, the citizens and holds will start to trust the idea of an alliance more, maybe even accept it as a part of life. But it would a while. (I apologize for the rambly mess I call a post, it's my first ever post and I sort of wanted to try and get everything I was thinking into it. I really like this mod idea and hope it goes well. I wish I could help, but pointing out things and giving little ideas from the sidelines is really all I can do. Sorry. :sweat:
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