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Dragon Riders of Skyrim - An Eragon/Inheritance Based Mod



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I find the Inheritance series suffers from the same flaw as Harry Potter tbh -great lore and universe created coupled with less than overwhelming writing. The main reason I am using it here is because it fits in as well as I can see and I think it could be done and done well
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I don't see any problem with the Eragon books, I actually like them, don't know why others don't. Anyway...


Perhaps instead of "Oh look, there are more Dragonborn out there, where were they before?!??" We could have a way to share our blood with a person worthy to be called Dragonborn, we could devise a series of tests that would prove their worth, they must be honorable, strong, and be able to withstand the Voice to some extent. For the last part, think the Greybeards test when you went to go see them. They stood around you and spoke, you had to stay there and withstand their voice, passing this test will show you are capable, but the real and perhaps the most important test is can you battle one on one with a dragon and make it submit to your power? Do that, and everything else is gravy.


Tests are as follows:


1. Climb the 7000 steps to High Hrothgar, unaided by horse or spell, proving their Endurance.


2. Battle with the Dragonborn, proving their Honor.


3. Withstand the collected Voice of the Greybeards, proving their Will.


4. Battle with a Dragon, Voice to Voice, Thu'um to Thu'um, win and they have proven their Strength, and their worth to the Order.


5. Partake in a ritual to give them the blood and soul of a Dragon, making them Dragonborn.



I understand 4 might be a bit difficult to do as someone without the ability to simply learn the words as Dragonborns do, if that's the case, 4 and 5 can be switched around to accommodate that.


I think this would work out great, because simply "having" new Dragonborns, as opposed to creating them just doesn't seem to have the same effect. This will also test weather they should be a part of this new Order, if they are evil, or not capable, it brings the whole thing down.




We had to go through these same tests, all but the battle with another Dragonborn because we are/were the last. We climbed the 7000 steps, we heard the Greybeards speak, and we battled Odahviing, who later submitted to us. These new Dragonborns, weather we find them in the world (which would, I think detract from the special nature of the line) or create them through rituals, they must be tested, an untried warrior/mage/etc. wouldn't command the same respect from our counterparts as one who as gone through the same trials we have.


This is just my view of things, though I think it's a good idea. I have a house mod that I'll be starting on that will have a dragon roost for Odahviing, perhaps that could be expanded into a small city, like the Varden have in the books.

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Although I do have a question, since there are other Dragonborn, although they just don't know it yet. How are they going to find out? After all Alduin can't have popped up at every other province and ressurected every Dragon in existence. Therefore what I think should be done for the intro quest is this.


The Dragonborn reenacts an ancient ritual that can be done with either Paarthurnax or Odaahviig, that calls out to all Dragonborn in Tamriel. I'd suggest having at least one representative of each race present at the island stronghold, and then you and Paarthurnax train them in the way of the voice.


Neat huh?

Edited by huntsman2310
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Together you've helped e begin to work out the 'who's a Dragonborn' problem that had been bugging me since I got the idea!


1) Create a ritual to discover and/or summon Dragonborn to the Stronghold (perhaps named Brom-Strunmah for North Mountain but unsure yet)

2) Challenge each Dragonborn to prove their worth - as Draco856 said with various challenges

3) Upon completion the new Dovahkiin are bonded with a willing dragon (by blood probably) giving them a greater connection and use of the Thu'um


I think as it is known there used to be several if not many Dragonborn at any one time it seems a more likely solution than creating new Dragonborn. I reason Alduin's awakening would have effect across Tamriel creating several Dragonborn - we just happened to be the closest.


Overnight I had some new ideas/got more from the books:

- Armoury - each rider creates their own sword the colour of their Dragon and possibly a set of armour too (not necesarrily Dragonbone) possibly forged at a new Dragon-Forge made by the dragons

- Possibility of Eldunari (bound dragon souls) acting as NPC's and mentors - allows you to learn new words. Part of the quest

- Tower/rookery formation in the Stronghold

- Wild/rogue dragons who don't want to join Dragon-riders and must be defeated


And thus came up with the following Quest structure:


ACT I - ZEYMAH (Brothers)

i) Create an alliance with the Dragons

ii) Summon the Dovahkiin and test them

iii) Build a Stronghold

iv) Locate the Vault of Souls



i) Locate the Thalmor traitor (let's call him Galbatorix)

ii) Ready the Army (sort of Allies for Bruma quest)

iii) Defend Skyrim (various attacks throughout the land - variation in each)

iv) Deafeat the Dominion Army & the Traitor


Throughout - continue to loacte Eldunari & rebel Dragons, build up the Stronghold, recruit more Dovahkiin


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Why do they have to be dragon born too? That kinda doesn't make sense because your supposed to born with the soul of the dragon not given it. Maybe you should be the only dragon born and that's why you lead these others drink the blood but they are just linked by that. You lead because you have the soul of a dragon and are automatically more intwined with the dragons. I still think they should do a initiation first though
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I like it, I just don't like the story, Dovahkins are very rare aren't they? So I think an order of Dovahkins would be sort of impossible, and this order is serving the Empire? I think it should follow it's own interests because it's above every faction in Tamriel because they can ride dragons so the power is in their hands! Think about it, the empire screw something up and now the Dovahkin Order is mad at them or something, they could just go in the Imperial City with like 5 dragons and it's GG :tongue:

I like the concept, but I hope there's more of a feel of power, that your not serving anyone, that your above them, something like that, bu that's just me, I have some powerlust in games lol, especially in RPGs :biggrin:

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Call out to any other dragonborn using a ritual sounds nice, but we can't have too many, one from each playable race and province, plus one from your own race. So that would be 12 Dragonborn in all? Maybe add some from non-playable races as well Anyone else think a Falmer Dragonborn would be cool?


Playable Races:


High Elf (Likely traitor)

Wood Elf (Also likely traitor)







Kajiit (sp)



Non-Playable Races:


Falmer - Possible if we go that route


Cursed Ones:


Werewolf - Ones who can no longer transform between forms, think Sinding, would need to give them voices and dialogue, but it'd be a nice twist espeically if the PC is a Werewolf as well. Perhaps this one would only be possible if you are a Werewolf, you can call out to any who share the beastblood that might be Dragonborn. You would have to use your own beast form when testing them otherwise it might be a bit one-sided, in their favor.


Vampires - Could be replaced by any race, so we could have a Breton who is a Vampire and Dragonborn, etc. Just to give a bit more variety, must get along well with any Werewolves that might possibly be roaming around.


There are likely a few I've missed, Dremora and such can't be Dragonborn, because they belong to Oblivion, don't really know any other cool races that are all ready in the game.

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