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Dragon Riders of Skyrim - An Eragon/Inheritance Based Mod



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The Skuldafn range sounds good, but I'm worried about the portal to Sovengard that lies there. We need a way to close off access to anyone with a dragon priests staff, which acts as the key if we do rebuild it. As long as access to the portal is there, it has to potential to be misused by anyone able to get there. It could also be in front of the Vault of Souls, which might lie behind it in the mountain, hidden from prying eyes, but once someone has access to the Sovengard portal, not much would stand in their way.
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The Sovngarde access thing bothere me too but perhaps we somewhow prevent it by destroying the Dragon-priest staffs. Is there any reason why there should eb access for mortals to sovngarde anyway? Also it means there is a good place for the Vault of Souls (which I have decided will be deffinitely be making an appearance alongside Eldunari).


I think the stronghold would best be built in an adjoining area to the skuldafn

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We could use the portal as a way to speak with those who came before. For instance, we could speak with the High King and ask him about what he thinks of Ulfric and his usurper ways, we can speak with Kodlak, the previous Harbinger of the Companions for advice and maybe help the other Harbingers defeat the beast inside so they may pass to Sovengard, but we have to know them before we can see them, and Kodlak is the only one who knows them. And last but not least, access to Alduin's corpse. We need to bring it back to Tamriel, to show the other Dragons that Alduin has truly been beaten, his corpse will then be mounted in the central chamber of the Stronghold and watched over, because we never took his soul, I'm under the impression he could come back some day, and having his corpse close by, and out of Sovengard means we'd be the first to know, and could prevent him from unkowningly devouring the souls in Sovengard if he does return. We have two options I think with his corpse when we take it back through the portal, destroy it keeping the head like they did with Numinex, or keeping it intact so his soul has only one place to go should he ever return. No body, means no place for his soul to go. Perhaps that's how a Dragonborn is created, a dragon is killed, and it's body is destroyed, with no place for the soul to go it finds a mortal body and replaces that soul with it's own.



Edit: Now that I've finished reading the final Eragon book, it got me thinking, what if we could turn the Dragon Language into the Ancient Language of Eragon? We could have all new Riders swear oaths in the Dragon Language that would be forever binding, they wouldn't be able to lie, they wouldn't be able to break their oaths, though I think there should also be a way for this betrayer to find a way around the oath, either in the way it was worded or maybe we made a mistake with this persons oath and didn't notice it at the time because it was one of our first recruits and we didn't know much about the language yet.

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I don't believe Alduin actually left a body. He was Akatosh's son, and his destiny was always to end the world. When it finally is time for the world to end, he'll probably be back, and there'll be no one to stop him.


Also, about the Sovengarde portal: Sovengarde isn't actually defenseless. Even Alduin didn't try to attack the Hall of Valor, he wasn't strong enough at the time, so he picked off the lost souls that were freshly arrived in Sovengarde. When he was strong enough, he would probably have pillaged the hall and returned to end the world. Shor apparently forbade the warriors in his hall from retaliating, as only the Dragonborn could defeat him.


Anyone else who sneaks into Sovengarde with the intent of stealing souls is not going to be as powerful as Alduin. This means they'll probably only get the business end of an old but very well-preserved Nord axe.

Edited by 92abcdefgh
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His skeleton was left in the river in front of the hall, just sitting there, fleshless and soulless. And as far as the World Eater goes, there will always be the chance that someone is there to prevent it for a time, one day we're bound to fail, but I don't think it will be any time soon. It's likely it will always start in Skyrim, and it's the nature of Man to fight the invevitible, no matter how bleak the situation looks, we fight so he'll still have a hard time finishing off the world when the Gods get involved, it may be it has to end at some point, but I doubt Shor will simply LET Alduin eat the souls of the honored dead. The ones who have been allowed inside his hall, the ones outside haven't proven themselves worthy to Tsun yet so they were forsaken for a time.
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Is it possible to make a city like somehow floating in the sky? Because them

It would make more sense as a dragon riders and dragons would be the only one to be able to reach there this has been an idea I've had for a while.

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Some ideas:


The Rider can learn and use Slen Tiid Vo to resurrect their dead dragon from their respective eldunari (name needs to be changed to dragonian; fe. Dovah-sil-qethsegol meaning Dragon Soulstone) which is housed in the vault of souls.


Craftable Gem belts (can be charged with extra Magicka and/or stamina -> magicka rebalanced for greater power and much lower recovery for the belts to be of any practical use?) and Rider swords at dragon forge (quest to find a smith?)


Dragon riding:

Usage of player skills, other than supportive magic, while mounted on dragons might be underwhelming and make controls difficult to assume/make (need to aim and use player skills and control dragon movement/attacks at the same time).

->we assume total control of the mounted dragon, who inherits the shouts its rider has gathered thus far with far shorter cooldowns (Yol and Fo being normal dragon breath attacks vs player owned yol&fo that are short bursts).

Unmounted combat works very much the same way as with odahviing called to your aid.


The whole concept of eldunari may need heavy tweaking to fit dragons of skyrim. In inheritance lore the dragons residing in eldunari are commonly those that in a sence got tired of the normal world and turned their attention to their inner self (specifically the old ones). In skyrim the dragons are beings inclined to dominate the lesser beings. The only dragon that might fit with inheritance lore would be Paarthurnax, but I wouldn't personally go putting him in one as he's the one that took off to spread the way of the voice among the dov. With no paarturnax flying about spreading the voice the idea of any dragon as mount would mean it would be enslaved to the riders will.

I might be over thinking though: the option for the dragon to have an eldunari would mean an escape from death and with a bound rider the dragon could revive with slen tiid vo so it has very strong advantages.


Also one of the riders could be a young boy with a blue dragon whelp. Think of him as a mascot for the mod. Just an npc with his whelp that are always at the stronghold keeping the place running (shoveling dragon dung perhaps?). Obviously the whelp knows only its riders name when talked to.

Edited by Qustav
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First off, I saw a mention of allowing a person to drink your blood to become a dragonborn? Eh, well, I thought the point of being DragonBORN was because you were born with a dragon's soul already inside of you. This trait makes being Dragonborn all the more special because unlike werewolves and vampires, being Dragonborn isn't just something you can catch in the wild. I don't think that route is very lore-friendly or practical. I mean heck, if you could be a Dragonborn just by drinking the blood of another Dragonborn, your character would have been slaughtered and feasted upon by entire towns and villages.


These are just my thoughts on this topic, feel free to elaborate or disagree.


How to Find a Fellow Dragonborn

I saw some posts talking about how there could be one Dragonborn per race. I really like that idea. I also liked how when you use your Thu'um in a town/house, you would get a "letter from a friend" offering up where you could find another Thu'um. I honestly think in order to find these Dragonborns spread throughout Skyrim, you should get a letter (one at a time) from an anonymous person who lives in -city's name- that asks you to please stop by and meet -person's name- who has been exhibiting strange behavior (maybe they can calm animals with their voice, like Kyne's Peace) and that the person who sent you this anonymous letter thinks this person is a Dragonborn like you. You could then go to that city, or not (you could do it later), and then see for yourself if this person is a fellow Dragonborn and doesn't know it yet. After all, you didn't even know you were a Dragonborn until you absorbed the Dragon's soul. You could then have the person follow you outside the city and either teach them a Thu'um to use OR have them show you the Thu'um (calm an animal) that made the city suspicious about their identity. After they've been recognized as a Dragonborn, then you can recruit them into the Dragonborn guild.


The Blades

I think they would make a great rival guild to the Dragonborn, and I think their members should grow as your Dragonborn guild grows. Also, on occasion, as you fly too low or too close to the Blade's guild, they should fire arrows, ice bolts, electrical charges, and fire bolts at you. This also goes for bandits, necromancers, etc.


A Place To Call Home

I had two thoughts on where the Dragonborn's guild home should be, or if there should even be one:

1. My first thought was close to the top of "Throat of the World" there should be a cave (a large cave opening, big enough for a dragon to squeeze into). Inside of this cave would be a giant area with a place for all the dragons to sleep, eat, drink, and a place for the Dragonborns to sleep, eat, drink. What the design would look like, I have no idea, I will leave that up to the modders.

2. My second thought was kind of lame compared to the first thought, but still worth mentioning. Maybe the Dragonborns shouldn't have their own guild home? Maybe the dragons just hanging out on top of "Throat of the World" would be cool enough, and the Graybeards sanctuary could be where the Dovahkin could hang out. If the Dovahkin needed to go do something, they simply walk out of the Sanctuary (back door, not front door) and call for their dragon.


Yet Another Plot Twist?

What if, the faction's leader you sided with, turned against you? I don't know about you guys, but I played through the Stormcloaks and the Empire's main story and I still ended up not liking either faction very much. Neither side was good or bad, but on the final mission when you killed the other faction's leader, it always left a sick feeling in my stomach. I always felt like I had sided with the wrong faction. So after you've become a dragon rider, the faction leader you sided with decides you have too much power and must be put down. Then you can either decide to make a treaty or kill him off, and now YOU can be the ruler of Skyrim. Maybe I have played too much Fable 3.



While riding your dragon, instead of being limited to ONLY fire or ice shouts (as current default dragons are), I think the dragon you ride should be limited to the shouts you have found. If you've found every shout, then your dragon can use all of your shouts as well. If you only know 1-5 shouts, or have only found 1/3 of a shout, then the dragon's shouts will reflect the same shouts and their statuses. With that being said, while riding your dragon, shout cool down times should be half as long as they are dismounted. If fire breath takes 10 seconds to cool down, then when you're on your dragon and he uses fire breath, his cool down should be 5 seconds. I also think shouts should be twice as powerful when your dragon says them. I feel that shouts are under powered in this game, except a couple, but the more powerful shouts have such a long cool down time that I never end up using shouts anyway.


Dragon Creation Mode

Just as you can edit your character from the start, or with showracemenu, I feel that dragons should be presented in the same way. Head shape, body type, spikes, no spikes, webs, color of skin, color of wings, color of eyes, etc. should all be what the player decides to make their dragon look like. Also, saddles. There should be a few different types of saddles to choose from. Maybe as a starter saddle, something like the ancient nord armor (lots of fur, ancient looking, like the default horses), then as you level/do quests you can find better looking saddles.

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I like some of your ideas, except for the Blades being rivals. The Blades serve the Dragonborn, no matter what, sure the current Blade's questline doesn't show that because it's "Kill Paarthurnax or we don't like you any more" but there is a good mod in the works for dealing with that, but it's always been, they serve the Dragonborn, even if you come up with a guild where Dragons and Dovahkiin work side by side, the Blades will continue to serve the Dragonborn. They could act as guards, foot soldiers, etc.
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Instead of forming a bond with a dragon why not taming them like what you did with Odahving (how the hell do you spell his name). The dragons bow to those with a stronger voice then them so why not? This way it won't contradict the lore too much.


Say you took control of the Blades and you reform them, educate them in the way of the voice and those strong enough can go find themselves a dragon and win them over. But of course you'd have to have extensive knowledge of the voice in order to teach people so why not go to the Greybeards and say you want to follow the path of wisdom. They'd teach you words you don't know and send you on quest to retrieve lost words, with this you can add to the the collection of already existing words. After you've learn all you can, you leave High Hrothgar, kill the Greybeards or whatever and seek out whoever is in charge of the Blades and take over, revive the Blades with a new goal (maybe bringing the remaining dragons under control and use them to bring everlasting peace?) and start recruiting. Those who do not agree with your ideals will form an apposing faction. With word of your actions spreading throughout the land, all the factions of power begin to worry and start trying to form alliances with you. You can choose to assist one side, remain neutral or take aggressive actions.


As for battling on top of your dragon, why not make it so that your shouts have debuffing or buffing abilities, you can weaken your opponents and strengthen your dragon's attack and defense. And let's not forget magic.

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