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Dragon Riders of Skyrim - An Eragon/Inheritance Based Mod



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Why does it have to be one extreme or the other? Why can't the Greybeards help the Blades? Once they change from Dragon Slayers to Dragon "Something of then Slayers" the Greybeards will likely be more accepting, the only reason the Greybeards dislike the Blades is because they are so intent on the extermination of Dragons, changing that mission should be a goal of the new Order, turn an ancient enemy into an everlasting ally. The Dragonborn will be doing that with the Dragons, because the Dragonborn is born to kill and take the souls of the Dovah, changing that and making peace goes a long way, the Blades were born from an age where the Dragons ruled all, which is why the Blades want to kill the dragons, their ancestors were oppressed by them.


I actually think forming a bond of friendship would be a better way of gaining Dovah allies, if you force them to serve you, how are you any different then them? Odahviing follows the Dragonborn because you proved your worth to him, you defeated him once in a battle of the Voice, you then proved your Thu'um was the strongest when you killed Alduin, he follows by choice, not force. That's how it should be. The people who bond with the dragons will be stronger then those who force their will on them. As for taming them, it's an impossible task. It'd be akin to taming the wind, or the sea, or the sky. Can't be done, if they were simple beasts, maybe, but they aren't simple, or beasts. They are a sentient race, it'd be the same as trying to tame Argonians or Kahjiit, or any other sentient race, very wrong, and bound to come back and bite you. All you need to do is look at Morrowind, the Argonians rose up and defeated the Dunmer, Red Mountain may have erupted, but the Argonians still took over Vvardenfell.

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Can't we start off with a dragon egg that like you find somewhere and raise it to become yours and it will bond with you that way? Like in the eragon/inheritance series (which is what is kinda what the mod will take some ideas from I'm guessing) the dragons were causing destruction and all that until one person found an egg and became the first dragon rider and others followed. This might not be the route you want to go with but it's just a suggestion. It wouldn't be that hard to do this part it should be pretty simple just to make its model change every x amount of time or every time you feed it
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That's not how it happened in Eragon though...there was a war between the Elves and the Dragons, the first riders came as a result of a peace treaty between them. No eggs were found, they were given after peace was established between the Humans, Elves, and Dragons. To keep the treaty intact, and allow riders to be chosen between these races, two caretakers were appointed, a tattoo of a dragon was placed on each of them, half and half, during a ceremony, a spectral dragon would appear to renew the pact. The movie didn't really do justice to the books as it only focused on Eragon, and not the history he learns.
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That's not how it happened in Eragon though...there was a war between the Elves and the Dragons, the first riders came as a result of a peace treaty between them. No eggs were found, they were given after peace was established between the Humans, Elves, and Dragons. To keep the treaty intact, and allow riders to be chosen between these races, two caretakers were appointed, a tattoo of a dragon was placed on each of them, half and half, during a ceremony, a spectral dragon would appear to renew the pact. The movie didn't really do justice to the books as it only focused on Eragon, and not the history he learns.


Oh wow I gues it's been a while since I read the book I could've sworn that the w(ar between the elves was stopped by the the elf eragon guy not the human one ) but the elf one found the egg and he became the first rider wow i got that wrong.

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I think in terms of relation to the Eragon books this mod is going to have to work more on principals than it than direct facts - especially as I want to make it 'lore-friendly'. My ideas were as such:



Parthunaax/Odahviing (we will have to work out what we do with the Blades/Parthunaax situation) summon us to High Hrothgar and propose an alliance due to the increasingly out of control dragons. From there we build upon recruiting hereoes across the land who gain the power of Thu'um via some sort of ritual with their chosen/paired dragon. This order would be designed to lkeep the dragons from destroying the world - as for their side in the civil war that will be up to the player



I like Draco's idea of them becoming in some way affiliated with the order - their intent on destroying dragons was only when they were destroying things and they are meant to prote4ct the Dovahkiin who has chosen this path



Either at Skuldafn or out to sea - either way inaccesible to those without a Dragon


CAn everyone please join the sourceforge fourms - allows us to discuss every aspect even if you don't want to do the actual modding later :)

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Here I'm hoping to make the best Dragon-Riding mod for Skyrim - mostly it will all fit into Skyrim with perhaps a few Easter eggs and some inspiration from the Inheritance books. Secondly I've not reay the Pern Series so it's a fairly easy choice to go with
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If you havent read the series you should give it a read its very good. Also the dreamcast had a game for it which was decent. Be warned though there are 24 books lol but heres an Overview of Dragonriders of Pern


"Life on Pern as presented in the novels resembles a pre-industrial society with lords, holds, harpers (musicians, entertainers, and teachers), and dragons, with the occasional examples of higher technology (like flamethrowers, telegraphi, chemical fertilizers, and powerful microscopes and telescopes). Pernese people are described as belonging to four basic groups: Weyrfolk (including Dragonriders) who live in the Weyrs, the Holders who live in the Holds (cities, towns and farms), the crafters who live in Crafthalls (or are assigned to work their crafts in certain Holds), and the Holdless who have no permanent home (including traders, displaced Holders, and brigands). One of the main threats to Pernese civilization in the series is Thread, which is described as a mycorrhizoid spore that periodically rains down on the planet due to the orbit of the Red Star. The Red Star is set out to be a rogue planet in the Rukbat system. The Red Star, characterized as a "Sedna-class inner Oort cloud object", has a 250 Turn (or Pernese year) elliptic orbit around its sun. Thread can reach the planet Pern for about 50 Turns while the Red Star is at perihelion. Thread is described in this series as an agent that consumes organic material at a voracious rate, including crops, animals, and any humans in its path. The Pernese use intelligent firebreathing dragons and their riders to fight Thread. The riders have a telepathic bond with their dragons, formed by Impression at the dragon's hatching. Later books deal with the initial colonization of Pern and the creation of the dragons through genetic manipulation. The lengthy (over two millennia) time period covered by the series as a whole allows room for new stories and characters, explored by each new novel released by the authors."

Edited by MandaloreCayn
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Hmmm, I can't see the Blades being too happy about your founding an order of dragon riders. After all, Parthunaxx helped men overthrow Alduin, then sat on a mountain for ten thousand years meditating on Peace and Love. The Blades still wanted to kill him. If he's not getting a reprieve, none of them are.


I imagine the Blades would take on an antagonistic role, at least at first. They might stir up fear of you in the population to get recruits, then begin hunting dragons in earnest. It would act as a good motivation for building an impregnable sanctuary in the mountains, as well as trying to gain the trust of the people of Skyrim. You'd eventually be forced to gather all loyal dragons (those who follow the Way of the Voice) to you to protect them, eventually leading an aerial assault on Sky Haven Temple. When most of the green Blades were slaughtered and Delphine and Esbern were before you, you might finally get a chance to scold them for straying so far from their intended purpose.


Then I suppose you could have the option of forgiving them and taking them back into your service as spies and assassins, killing them all forthwith, or simply turning them out into the Reach to take their chances with the Forsworn and the Thalmor. Any of these would result in you getting the Temple as a secondary base.


By the way, can I get a link for the sourceforge forums?

Edited by 92abcdefgh
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That would never happen, as I've said before, no matter their motivations, the Blades ultimate purpose is to serve and protect the Dragonborn, Bethesda dropped the ball with this in the game when they had Esbern and Delphine give orders to the player, but the purpose is still the same. If they became antagonists to this new order, they would go against their purpose, and Esbern wouldn't allow that.
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