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Stardew Valley

Mod Request: Breakable/Movable Incubators


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Either I have no idea how to move an incubator, or you can't(Stardew Valley). I may have gotten myself into a pickle where I can't upgrade my coop. I managed to get two incubators into the small coop which has caused a bug to appear. Once upgraded to the big coop whenever I enter it goes to name the chicken, it allows the first chicken to be hatched, however, the second it refuses to allow me to name it. When I press enter the game crashes. If I can remove the incubators the bug won't affect me. I do play modded, and I understand the consequences. I do not know how to mod, or I'd do it myself. I have found only two other mentions of this bug found
Here: https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/comments/4bdku8/stardew_valley_coop_bug/
and Here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/413150/discussions/1/350532536102442832/
I am seriously in quite a situation here, and if anyone has advice or is willing to create this mod for me- I'd be eternally grateful. Please, and thank you.

-A desperate 15 y/o

Edited by OmNatSi
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