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can't console in a follower. Help?

legal tender

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Hi all,


Just wondering if any of you been experimenting with addfac 19809 and 5C84D commands. I've been trying to get Angi to follow me - awesome character, personality and background-wise imo. Huge shame there's no more to it :( - but without success. She simply won't respond to console commands. Just to check I was doing it right, I tried with Ysolda (merchant lady in Whiterun) and the town drunkard in Riverwood and it worked for both. Leads me to believe that some NPCs just plain won't ever follow you around?


Could anybody please be a super nice chap/gal and try to get Angi to follow you? I'm hoping my game glitched or something.



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Hi all,


Just wondering if any of you been experimenting with addfac 19809 and 5C84D commands. I've been trying to get Angi to follow me - awesome character, personality and background-wise imo. Huge shame there's no more to it :( - but without success. She simply won't respond to console commands. Just to check I was doing it right, I tried with Ysolda (merchant lady in Whiterun) and the town drunkard in Riverwood and it worked for both. Leads me to believe that some NPCs just plain won't ever follow you around?


Could anybody please be a super nice chap/gal and try to get Angi to follow you? I'm hoping my game glitched or something.




Try removing her from the Crime Faction? Don't know the ID or if this is the problem, but I suppose it is worth a try.

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Well, tried with help crime 0 (thanks Evilslay3r5!). Got a bunch of codes out of which there were 2 (00108232 & 000522B6) that match the UESP description ("Crime faction so crimes, etc, etc"), tried to addfac 0 those values with and without the extra zeroes there but no luck.


Also thanks STSG, tried that too but nothing.


I'm not getting errors after entering addfac, setrelationshiprank, etc.


Maybe it just wasn't meant to be :( It's interesting, though. Angi is actually the very first character to really make me care (have logged about 50 hours so far). Her story, her personalty and attitude. It all just clicked.


I mean, in the order I met them:


Faendel and Sven are...well...I just hope Camilla can convice her brother to go with her idea to tour the area a bit. Maybe she'll met someone else in her travels.

Utherd kicks butt in combat but she's way too wired up. Makes me feel she could snap at the worst possible moment (just RPing a bit here, btw)

Lydia...is sworn to carry my burdens. Nope, I'll pass :)

Assassin-ish lady in whiterun sounds really interesting but as a follower of Ysgramor I just can't justify having her tag along

Anneke I actually like but she has her life. I would never forgive myself if I took her along and had her die on one of my dwemer runs. Her husband would want to drive a pickaxe through my skull, and with good reason.

Jordis Sword-Maiden comes a somewhat distant second after Angi. Just a tad on the sweet side of things. Sounds like a young gal most of the times but then she opens up a can a whoop-ass on whatever looked at me wrong. Bit jarring that. Heh.

Tombdude. Can't remember his name. Some necromancer took over his family mausoleum. Excellent quest! (dont want to spoil it)

Farkas and Vilkas. Havent tried them. Didn't like Farkas' performance in the tomb of Ysgramor ;) Vilkas is just...ok? The rest of the companions don't really do it for me. Aela is a terrific archer and gorgeous to boot but at several times she made me suspect if she is using her blessing /curse or if it's the other way around. I can't risk her hotheadedness putting me into a situation similar to the one in which the Harbinger ended up...


Then I met Angi and wow... she went through a lot and came out relatively unscathed. She's willing to teach you what she knows and she has some great dialogue while doing so. Training with her actually feels like, well, not just clicking on a button and seeing your gold go down while your skill goes up. Wish other trainers had similar sequences. And the end of the training sequence it really feels like you are equals and she opens up a bit more, shifting her stance towards you. So much character in such a very brief scene!


All in all, a very likeable character that could've gone the distance (I can already imagine a quest chain with her....where art thou, Creation Kit???). Thumbs up for whoever wrote her @ Beth!

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