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Can't make as powerful fortify enchantment & fortify smithing potions my 2nd time playing Skyrim as I did my 1st time?


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Morning folks,


Title says it all...I can't figure out why I can't make my fortify enchanting & fortify smithing potions as high as I did the 1st time I played...

...I know, not too big a problem, but still, I'd like to do better.


Any ideas?


The specifics:


1. I understand the 'working-up-the-tree' concept of smithing/alchemy/enchantment...to gradually & continually become more powerful

2. I only wish to do it legitimately...and by the way the Restoration glitch hasn't worked with updates in awhile...so legitimately is the ONLY way anyhow, right? :-)

3. I DO have 100% of the smithing/alchemy/enchanting perks...I sacrificed not working as much on other trees specifically because I want to do what this inquiry is all about


The 2 problems...or should I say 'limits':-


1. I am stuck at Fortify Enchanting potions of 35%...which allow me to make helmet/glove/necklace/rings that max out at 33% improve alchemy...

....which means though at level 74 in the game, I haven't been able to nudge up my weapons or armor damage since I was at level 50


2. I am stuck at Fortify Smithing potions of 139%...which allow me to make armor/gloves/necklace/rings that max out at 33% improve weapon-&-armor making...

...which means though at level 74 in the game, I haven't been able to nudge up my weapons or armor damage since I was at level 50



That's it!

Obviously am doing something different than my 1st time playing the game...but I am forgetting what...any thoughts?




1. does anyone know the MAXIMUM Fortify Enchanting potions one can make...I absolutely recall 34% my 1st play thru Skyrim...is that the highest?


2. Does anyone know the MAXIMUM Fortify Smithing potion one can make....think I recall 165% my 1st play thru Skyrim....is that the highest?


Thanks folks



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Yeah I forgot about this on my current playthrough too.

You need Ahzidal's Armor set (4pcs. not the jewelry) to get the "Ahzidal's Genius" perk (for enchantments) - work on this first as there are waiting periods to wait on this quest. You get this from: Unearthed.

Then you need the Black Book: The Sallow Regent. How to use it:


see the section titled "Maximizing Enchantment Power."

Then enchant more powerful alchemy clothing (twice, two passes, fort. enchant. potions in between).


Yes, the alchemy and/or enchanting exploit was patched in USLEEP and in a previous unofficial patch project version.


GL to you.

Edited by HalloweenWeed
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There is a mod called permanent legendary bonus that adds a bonus+ 5 to kill permanently over 100 each time you make a skill legendary, it actually makes it worth it to do so. This mod is perfect and bug free, and should have been part of the actually legendary edition.


So use it, and work on nothing but your profession until your skill has become legendary 3 or 4 times over, then stop...and you never need worry about a potion again all will be the equivalent of a potion.


Do this if you want to earn it and not cheat so you will have applied the effort and its not dependent on anything.


If you don't mind cheating just download a crafting ring and put it on. It depends what you want to focus on that playthrough and also how many times you have played through. lol

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to Halloweenweed:-

Totally on point- I thank you!

And here I had 3 of the 4 Ahzidal's armor already (just sitting there unused)...and had prior made the 'wrong' choice at the end of Sallow Regent...which I just corrected as per the instructions you reference...

...and created some stuff more powerful than I ever did the 1st go-around

I think the 1st time I played the game I had done just 1 aspect of what the instructions referenced...and even that by dumb luck...but not all of them


to skyquest32:-

not exactly what I asked for...but TOTALLY COOL nonetheless.

I just downloaded the mod, and cannot wait till I get to legendary...which I'm pretty close to in 2 of my trees.


Thank you very much guys, that was great advice from both of you

I LOVE this country! :-))




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