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Anybody notice this?


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I don't really consider this a spoiler and I'm not sure if anybody is interested in these types of things other than me but would the Unofficial Oblivion patch fix things like....


The Nirnroot in The Gilded Carafe has the steal icon pop up but when taken it isn't stolen.


It doesn't make much sense to me that Vlanarus Kvinchal is handing out the Black Horse Courier "Grey Fox Unmasked" issue which has his false confession, something he seems to know nothing about.


Puny Ancus speaks in the cockney accent and that primary Imperial accent.

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Oblivion Discussion would probably be a better place than here for questions like this, since these aren't mod requests.

And as for what the UOP fixes, if you read down the description page of the Unofficial Oblivion Patch, you'll find a working link to the full change log. Hope this helps!

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