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Managing skill increases from Haggling, Lockpicking, and Books


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I want to be able to have a bit more control over my skills, namely I like money and selling things but don't like that I suddenly level up in the middle of a store because it increases my speech. I want the option for my character to haggle and improve the speech skill (and price) or just pay full price and not have to worry about wasting my skills in a level on something I am not interested in.


On a related note, I am upset that there is no spell or shout for opening locks. I don't want to improve my lockpicking skill as a warrior or mage, I want to magic locks open or bash the chest, again so I am not wasting skills per level on a skill set I am not interested in. Mages and warriors are no less greedy than thieves.


This last related point is not really a mod, but is there a way to pick up books without opening them and thus 'reading' them? Again, as a greedy character I am not interested in the intrinsic value of learning skills from books, but rather their monetary value at 70 gold for a 1 lb of weight.

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Seconded on the non combat related skills leveling you up. If someoen could find the link between the amount a skill in Speech, LP, Smithing Ench and their impact on level progression bar, hten turn it oof of down, that would be great. Even suggested that in a post somewheres on here.


Also would like to just grab a book without reading.

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