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LOOT cannot short merges


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Since I most believe that LOOT cannot short merged plugins, i come with a question


first you will put your weather and lightning merges

after will come the cities and towns merge

then animal an creatures merge (not combat)

then i think i will put the npc's merge ( ...you know, populated...patrols.. etc)


after that i will put all crafting i cannot merge (or i don't think it will be wise to merge) CCOR, CACO, Immersive jewellery, Ordinator...


Then armor and weapons merge


Then combat mods (mostly not merged) and finally survival (not merge) camping, frostfall


Of course this is a "grosso mode" because there is mods than will be here an there, LOOT will short that


But what do you think about guys?

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Its normal LOOT doesn't recognize them you will need to do it manually and then if you have merges LOOT is probably a tool that you shouldn't be using because doing merges when the game doesn't reach 240 esp is silly and will add to the amount of possible problems in game and using only LOOT to sort load order with more then 100 mods is silly as well.

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