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Enter the keep with Hadvar... AND Ralof.


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"Enter the keep with Hadvar or Ralof"


...These words echo, and I kick myself in the face when I choose either. I know Hadvar felt sympathetic for me, and didn't want me to die. All he did was follow orders, and I can't fault him for that. Ralof wanted to help me, even when I was a Dunmer. He didn't care what I was, he just wanted to help. The last straw was that they both fight for what they believe in, so I wouldn't- no, I couldn't bring myself to choose just one.


But even worse was the meeting for the Peace Treaty. No matter what, I would always try to make the choice to bring down both sides so they can see reason. But then, the final choice came up. I had to choose between two options. It wasn't even a choice to me. It felt like words that weren't my own were being forced out of my mouth.


I wish for third choices. That's all I ask. I just want a third choice.

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