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Curie Won't Continue Her First Conversation


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I recently got Curie as a companion and have built up her affinity to the point where she asks to talk to me. But every time I try to make conversation with her (pressing "Talk"), she would just say "Is now a good time to converse?" and then that's where our dialogue would end.


I've looked around and found other people having similar problems with companions not talking. I've tried almost everything suggested to no avail. I tried letting her finish talking and not pressing any keys, I tried reloading previous saves (I only have 3 since I'm playing survival), and I've tried several console commands- editing her affinity, her factions, disabling/enabling... none of it worked. A couple people suggested that this glitch is caused by walking out on a conversation with another NPC, but I don't know who I've talked to in the last couple hours of play.


Can anyone, ANYONE, help me?

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there are several console commands that effect AI character etc.. but i dont know what will happen to the affinity.


Try this..


Release her by taking another companion then go back and re-select her to follow you and maybe she will be unstuck from the loop

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Nope, didn't work- I talked to Piper and had her join me, then I dismissed Piper. But when I went back to talk to Curie, she just repeats "Is now a better time to converse?" every time I talk to her, without any menu popping up.


OKAY I FOUND THE PROBLEM! It was being caused by some kinda conflict with Mechanical Romance. I deactivated that mod and now Curie works like normal. I'll have to fiddle around to see if I can fix this, but at least I know where it problem comes from.

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