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next 4 yrs by myself plse help with MOD download order


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Hey dudes, im going to spend the next 4 yrs with no net contact whatsoever , but i can take my pc with me and i wantr to download all of the best mods while i can.


im into immersion hunting,fishing,mining but im sure that i willl want to get into mage and 2 h stuff'


plse help with what mods in what order


thanks for your time

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learn how to clean mods.

just search up 'how to clean skyrim mods with tes5edit'


here is a list of tools i'd recommend.


If you're into immersion and all that jazz, check out this site:

http://skyrimgems.com/, its a website dedicated for enhancing Skyrim through many different mods.



Also if you're going to be spending 4 yr's on this game here are some things i'd recommend to not get bored.

Edited by Guest
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Yes move where there is internet lol.

In all seriousness download all you can just because you downloaded it does not mean you have to activate it. SKSE http://skse.silverlock.org/ many mods require this also may try http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3863/? make sure your have good body textures and skeleton. Many mods require Fnis http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11811/? And I highly recommend watching this guys guides https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1CSCMwaDubQ4rcYCpX40Eg will save you a lot of trouble and help you with Sheldon's memory patch yes you need this . Gophers videos are top notch and refer him to many people like I said his videos will save you and your sanity.

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Download all quest and dungeon mods that piques your interest. Even if you won't be able to use them all due compability reasons, you can create multiple mod lists for different characters with Mod Organizer profiles. Just remember to copy text from Mod Page and FAQ into text document on your drive. There are almost always installation instructions and compability lists posted by the authors.


Get all mandatory mods from STEP list like: SKSE, Unofficial Legendary Patch USLEEP, TES5Edit, WyreBash, LOOT, Crash Fixes, Bug Fixes, Enb Particle Patch, ENB/Enboost, FNIS, Extended Skeletons, Realistic Ragdolls and Force, SkyUI, etc.


Consider downloading Creation Kit and Gimp (or Photoshop, if you have the license key). Over the course of 4 years, you might want to learn how to edit on your own some of the content. I'm sure someone here will link you helpful guides (which you should download), if you're willing to go that route.



Mods you might like:

~Hunting in Skyrim - A Hunting Guild~

~Hunterborn by dragonsong~

~Art of the Catch by Chesko~ From the creator of Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival.

~Fishing In Skyrim by Arodicus Snaux~



From other threads:




Well I tried SweetFX/I can't believe its not ENB ... it, did not look pretty, everything went very shadowy. Maybe I'll have to skip doing to much graphical stuff at the moment.


It might be your mod setup or .ini tweaks. If you had only the mods from my list and skyrimprefs.ini set to values bellow, it should look decent.


Mini Mod List:




SKyrim HD is pretty old (from 2012), it was just tweaked a bit in 2015. I think NobleSkyrimMod HD might cover even more than Skyrim HD and is a bit more modern. I use it as a base and then apply smaller texture mods on top of it.


Base NSM HD will look like this:




New bar texture >> Link











For 3D road stones you will want Real Roads meshes.


My recommendations from other thread:




Stuff like 32xp skeletons and body mods are pretty basic and can be altered at any moment. I would leave those, if that's what you like. To be honest I wouldn't do full STEP. Just go through with installing mandatory mods from the list (SKSE, Crash Fixes, SkyUI, FINIS, USLEEP, etc). Once you're done with the basics grab those for graphics improvement:


ENB recommendation:


Rudy ENB

It's very fps friendly for the amount of eyecandy it provides. It comes in 4 versions for 4 different lightning overhauls. I just have tried the new preset adapted for Vivid Weathers-NLVW and I'm in love. Hand placed fogs around mountains, real snowflakes and pinkish sunrises. It adds a lot to immersion. Plus I was able to squize few more high res textures thanks to improved performance. Before that I used Rudy ENB NLA 2.0 with ELFX and it was my top pick from all the presets on nexus. Only Kountervibe Enb was as good, but it ate fps like crazy.

(If you pick NLVW version, you will have to first install Vivid Weathers and Natural Lighting Vivid Atmospherics ENB)

(Grab required ENBseries v0.308 files from the bottom of THIS page. Enbhost.exe and d3d9.dll can be found in Wrapper folder inside of the v0.308.zip.)




Quick texture and mesh fix:


NobleSkyrimMod HD-2K by Shutt3r

Authentic Whiterun / Solitude / Windhelm by Laast ~ (textures are 1k, but a lot more immersive and they blending well together)

Vivid Landscapes - All in One by Hein84

Skyrim HD - Terrain Parallax Tribute by Hein84 ~ (1k, the quality loss is minimal - set in enblocal.ini fixterrainparalax=true for full effect)

Gamwich mods ~ (he made a huge pack of clothes retextures, grab at least that one)

aMidianBornBookOfSilence ~ (high quality armor, weapon and creature textures)

SFO - No Grass file

Verdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin by Preeum ~ (grab 512k texture pack, you won't see the difference unless you put your face in the grass - this is the most realistic looking grass on nexus, the textures/meshes are more luminous and thanks to that they look less fake)

HalkHogan Realistic HD mods ~ (new detailed meshes and textures for clutter, overwrite other mods with this one)

Realistic Water Two




Audio Overhaul for Skyrim 2 ~ (Other audio mods have issues and I wouldn't recommend them. This one changes how the sound is processed and adds a lot of immersive background sound. NPC voices and sound effects will be much more realistic. AoS 2 is compatible with Natural Lighting Vivid Atmospherics, just install optional patch. I have mixed together with it few compatible music mods that have provided AoS 2 patches.)




Combat and Movement:



Wildcat ~ (If you preffer your enemies more defensive install Combat Evolved on top of this one)

Archery Gameplay Overhaul by DServant

Attack Commitment No turning during attacks

Combat Behavior Improved by Moljka

TK Dodge by tktk

Ultimate Dragons by tktk

Realistic Humanoid Movement Speed by brump

Duke Patricks - Skyrim Friction Fix II

Better Jumping by meh321

Follow Me and Swim After Me by Tonycubed2 - Sands of Time Team











iNeed - Food Water and Sleep by isoku

Immersive Horses by sevencardz

Better Stealing by meh321

Uninterrupted Invisibility by meh321

Campfire - Complete Camping System by Chesko

Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO ~ (REQUIRES USLEEP)

Immersive Speechcraft by SirSalami

PC Head Tracking and Voice Type by HHaleyy

Face to face conversation by towawot

Skyrim - Enhanced Camera by LogicDragon ~ (Required by many animation and combat mods)




Voiced Followers:

INIGO ~ (My fav npc so far. He has over 5.000 voiced dialogue lines and unique framework that makes him more aware of surroundings -can comment on your actions, quests, ect)

Vilja in Skyrim by Emma Amgepo Lycanthrops ~ (Has some custom lines for dialogue with INIGO.)

Arissa - The Wandering Rogue by Chesko and Nikkita

Interesting NPCs by Kris Takahashi ~ (Also adds quests and background npcs.)







From my experience it's not about picking the highest resolution, but textures that blend together as a set. Some objects need bigger textures or better UV mapping (oversized mountain pieces in Markarth City for example). What I try to avoid is textures with "pixel specks" and very flat normal maps on objects that are suppose to have varied surface.


A good example would be Vivid Landscapes - Rocking Mountains. It includes in the set ground texture (small stones) that is applied around rocks and mountains. Thanks to that texture transition is not so jarring. The problem I had with it was the level of pixel noise. What I did was > grab 4k file from the page, load diffuse .dds in Gimp, apply lower contrast+lighness and then use blurr filter. After that I have scale it down to 2k.


USLEEP and SMIM takes care of good chunk of meshes with misaligned textures. It's a must have.

Try Unofficial Riverwood Interior Cell Fix. It's a fairly new mod, highly satisfying for OCD people xD



For towns I use some of the textures from the Authentic Witerun/Windhelm (even when those are 1k), since they work so nicely together.


Browse Langney Texture Pack (InfranView with .dds plugin will do the trick). She made really nice stone textures. I'm using her Riften ratway stonework. Solitude blue house planks are aslo top-notch.


Joy of Ships deserves notable mention. It covers both ships and small shacks.


I would have recommend few files from Renthals AIO flora pack, if not for the fact he deleted it... Grab his 3D Fence while it lasts. He might give you link to his old work, if you ask nicely


Edit: It's back. Pick what you like. Renthal 311 old texture pack.



Skyrim Landscape Overhaul - Stone Walls + New texture gets rid of unimmersive flat walls.



Ground textures need special attention. Most of the packs avaible on nexus don't take into account that you need individual sets (per area) that blend together. Otherwise you get ugly lines in transition spots. The other issue is that no amount of normal parallax can hide how flat the ground is, if the normal map is not bumpy enough. Textures mods for ENB Terrain Parallax have more definition. Check Hein84 and aMIdianBorn page.



Using dark tree textures and lods works well with short shadows distance. Use ugrid7 or/and dyndolod to avoid unimmersive lod popup. Pair it together with good ENB DoF and you're good to go.

If you like green tree trunks check TreesHD or Upgrade and fix for TreesHD in case you use SFO trees.

Big trees makes a huge difference, providing more shadows and hiding distant land. Grab optional files from SFO page (Tundra bent pines, Juniper replacer). If you use custom trees, you will want Bigger Trees. Skysight works with vanilla meshes.




Ordinary Women

Males of Skyrim

Bijin NPCs/Wifes/Warmaidens


You can copy female textures from Bijin mods and past it under textures/actors/character/female. I found this giving the best effect while not using too much vram. Try it with UUNP or UNPB/7b body.

There is aslo huge ALL-IN-ONE HDT pack with huge amount of textures and body shapes on LL site, but it contains some additional body parts that you might not want.



The look of the skin can be manipulated with Enb settings. Try playing with subsurfacescattering in first panel and specular amount in weather window. It will depend a lot on the _s.dds and _sk.dds skin textures you have installed. I recommend sweaty body _s.dds for realism.







iMultiSample=0 // turns off the game's multi-sampling AA
bTransparencyMultisampling=0 // turns off transparency AA
Also disable Antialiasing and Anisoptric Filtering in your Skyrim prefs that are accessible via the launcher.

(In case you have Mod Organizer >> this mod manager uses custom .inis located in Mod Organizer/Profiles folder.)


Check how Shift ENB - Performance by Bretton works for you (the performance impact should be no more than 5fps). It's mostly for fixing vanilla stripping shadows and adding a bit of color and contrast. This one will look good with ELFX and CoT.


Vivid Weathers is great for both adjusted ENB setups and vanilla game. You could either strip down Rudy ENB NVLA preset, by turning off Depth of Field, Ambient Occlusion and switching everything to low or make your own ENB preset. Don't use Vivid Weathers together with other weather mods like: CoT, ELE weathers, ELFX weathers.


In fact you can't mix any kind of weather mods together (they are incompatible with each other) or they will start overwriting each other and producing weird colors and shadows. Decide on just one after checking it out on test save and stick to it. If you had previously installed any other weather mod, go to interior, save, remove the mod, load the save and use wait function to skip 7 days.








In the thread Morti has kindly linked for you in the post above, I have posted my recommended list on the first page. Under the Spoiler tag you will find sections like: Immersion, Animation, etc.


Here is a bit more indepth combat mod list:



I have personally steer away from "heavy" combat modifications in favor of much better and simpler lightweight solutions that have been released recently.


tktk Dodge 2.0 ~ After the update the script is much more responsive. Roll forward animation has been added.

tktk HitStop ~ Gives you better imput on successful strikes.\

tktk Ultimate Dragons 2.0 ~ If you liked Monster Hunter series, you will love the new Dragon behaviors. I have ditched DCO mod (and haven't looked back) after being forced to fight against mid air target for 90% of the fight. It still might be a good option for you, if you don't mind it.

Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim ~ Much better solution than buggy locational damage. With different side effects attached to wound system (tripping on leg injury, etc) it encourages you to not take chances with getting hit in critical areas (brute forcing your character through the fight with 10hp left and eating 100 cheese wheels mid combat).

Attack Commitment No turning during attacks

Better Jumping by meh321 ~ For uninterupted Sprint to Jump animations and more realistic jump distance (you can configure it in .ini file). SKSE .dll plugin, does not take space in your load order.

or Athletics Training - with MCM by Volek ~ If you don't mind scripts.

Duke Patricks - Skyrim Friction Fix II ~ Prevents actors from sliding from rocks and mountains, also disables Skyrim Space Program funded by Giants.

Combat Behavior Improved by Moljka ~ Removes movement restriction on block animation. Compatible with latest version of FNIS.

Kick Bash by evanoblivion + Forceful Bash by Borjoyzee with Realistic Ragdolls and Force ~~~ Video (NPCs will also perform it)

Follow Me and Swim After Me by Tonycubed2 - Sands of Time Team

Realistic Humanoid Movement Speed by brump

Archery Gameplay Overhaul ~ Mostly for the new immersive animations.

Skyrim - Enhanced Camera by LogicDragon ~ For first person mesh compability with custom animations. Also forces realistic physics/perspective in 1st person on being knocked to the ground or ragdolling after death. Plus you can see yourself carring your weapon when you look down.

D13 Faster GET UP STAND UP animation ~ You don't want to spend most of your time on the ground being stomped.

Get Out Of My Way by Volek ~ When NPCs don't move away fast enough. Also works with Highwayman initial dialogue.




Combat Evolved ~ Changes Wildcats's enemy attack patterns and can be loaded after it without loosing wound system.




Right now I'm using Nordic 2handed attack animations by cyh0405. You will need new FNIS to patch all new animations. Watch this video guide on how to use it with Mod Organizer. -Link-


TES5Edit is mandatory. Original Bethesda .esm files have dirty edits and require cleaning. While dirty edits don't cause many problems for vanilla game, they become an issue when you start editing (modding) content.

You can also scan all your mods with it for any potential conflict and then try to resolve them.


WyreBash is most often used for creating bashed patches for mods editing loot list.


To solve your LOD issues you will have to use Dyndolod. It's a bit of a hassle to install, but there is no way around it if you want perfectly matching models and textures.

I'm not sure how beefy is your computer, but the best way to not have any LOD pop up in your face is to increase loaded cell count from 5 to 7 (uGrid). I didn't had any problems with quest firing, however I account that to my 4.5ghz i7 cpu.



You might want to give Cutting Room Floor and Opening Scene Overhaul a go. They both restore unfinished Bethesda's quests and content.




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I will post mine later, as I am not at home and do not have the load order.

However, one thing I want to get out there: in that case don't use ENB, as you won't have assistance to tweak it to your machine.

I also suggest you shy away from most high-resolution and/or water/weather mods as they can be problematic and create random CTDs (experience talking). One such mod that doesn't cause crashes for me, and doesn't take much system resources, is "Static Mesh Improvement."


Also, you can use scripted mods, but if you have trouble with them you may not be able to uninstall them and keep playing your same (saved) game. Scripts are necessary in mods that add/modify quests, and mods that add/modify dialogue. However this might not be an issue for you, I just don't know.



Personally, I would save most of the UESP Skyrim wiki to pdf before I did that, you may need to refer to them when you have trouble or can't remember something important (actually I have already done this, I have Satellite Internet and lose the connection during moderate rain/storms).

Edited by HalloweenWeed
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However, one thing I want to get out there: in that case don't use ENB, as you won't have assistance to tweak it to your machine.


I don't get what problem you have with it. Using and tweaking Enb is fairly simple. He can just download a guide and few presets, try it out now before he leaves. For example Rudy Enb has Vanilla / URWL / NLA / NLVA version which he can switch in between. Downloading clean 0.308 enbseries and tweaking the file to his liking is also an option. The only thing he wouldn't be able to do is write new shaders, but that's something only few people here on nexus can do. The rest of us just tweaks existing files.



I also suggest you shy away from most high-resolution and/or water/weather mods as they can be problematic and create random CTDs (experience talking). One such mod that doesn't cause crashes for me, and doesn't take much system resources, is "Static Mesh Improvement."


All decent mods offer 1k optional files and there is no need to resign from using them. What causes crashes for you is most likely lack of stability mods (Crash Fixes for example) or some sort of incompatibility. Weather and Water mods will have issues with sound overhauls, if you won't get proper patches.


The other possibility is that you had an outdated version with broken nif files, that require fixing.


Mesh Tool N7 - NIF Healer by Anton


Also, you can use scripted mods, but if you have trouble with them you may not be able to uninstall them and keep playing your same (saved) game. Scripts are necessary in mods that add/modify quests, and mods that add/modify dialogue. However this might not be an issue for you, I just don't know.


Save game script cleaner by Hadoram

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Yes move where there is internet lol.

In all seriousness download all you can just because you downloaded it does not mean you have to activate it. SKSE http://skse.silverlock.org/ many mods require this also may try http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3863/? make sure your have good body textures and skeleton. Many mods require Fnis http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11811/? And I highly recommend watching this guys guides https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1CSCMwaDubQ4rcYCpX40Eg will save you a lot of trouble and help you with Sheldon's memory patch yes you need this . Gophers videos are top notch and refer him to many people like I said his videos will save you and your sanity.


And Nifskope. Don't forget Nifskope.

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