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Fireballs No More


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Officially, I'll not longer employ mage followers. The rotten op'd rascals are simply too free with the

overkill. From now on out it's necros/conjurers for me...with no secondary skills in electronics,

combustion or frost.


Case in point: Had a mage follower (no name here) who managed to electrocute me twice

and then proceeded to so annoy the other four with flame overkill that they attacked and

killed her. I could've fallen back on a recent save or brought her back to life...or stopped the

infighting with UFO. However, the wretched woman had zapped me so I stripped her and

left her to rot...or be subsumed by the AI. So sad, too bad, I'm glad!!! GRRRRR!


I suppose mages are fine if one wants to run with one follower or run as one, however, they suck in

follower groups. AT least IMO. The modders who make'em seem kinda fixated on the big area

spells. For the life of me I don't know why they can't limit them to high end ice spikes or small

fire bolts that are more specifically tageted.


LOL! Even Conjurers are a problem if you accidentally hit one of their creations. Ever tried to

survive long enough for the time to run out on an angry Ice Atronach? Good way to burn off

bit calories. Thank the creators they're slow.

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Your problem is UFO. It's really outdated and lacks No Friendly Fire patches like the one you can find at AFT page. With AFT framework you can also select priority spells for your followers, forcing them to use something less in the way.


The best AI controls I have seen so far had Inigo. With the latest update you can command him with a shortcut key. The only downside is that he has a fixed combat style (mele/archer) and can't be managed by follower mods, since he has his own framework.


With mage followers working out of the box without any other mods, I had best experience with BFF Animal Companions :laugh:

I guess saying "Dog is man's best friend" still stands, even when it comes to modding.

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''I fell into a burnin' ring of fire
I went down, down, down
And the flames went higher
And it burns, burns, burns
The ring of fire, the ring of fire''


Aft has a thing so they wont kill each other but I am going to be honest about followers, except for rp in actually combat they are uneeded and basically kill stealers that slow your progress and get hit by you a lot. Unless you like to play beat them to the kill so you can gain your skill. I Might as well face it though, I still like running around with a bunch of Palmer girls. Mostly for eye candy. I keep real followers Mostly in castles, towers and rp places where they make sense. Or maybe patrolling towns and cities.




I guess saying "Dog is man's best friend" still stands, even when it comes to modding.


I wont take my Rottweiler hell-hounds or whatever they are into battle, I think its cruelty to animals, You cant avoid hitting them...in the civil war I hit just as many of my own men as the enemy will almost as many and its annoying. I hate friendly fire. i give followers more stats than I give myself so they are not knelling over puking or whatever from friendly fire all the time. If they were not essential they would have course all be dead.


The combat is awkward and I cant seem to make it in a way where a turn based ps2 style 5 man team would be valid. trying that would be really silly. If I did not protect townspeople there would be no population in the game, I cant even up the difficulty without horrible side effects.


The set essential all mods clash with everything. You cant use them. i have to cut back on the number of dragons and disable vampire attacks on towns, there are not but a handful of people as it is, despite my followers running around. The dragonborne should not get all the innocent villagers killed. besides there would be no game.

Edited by skyquest32
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Yeah I don't ever use followers (Sanguine Rose - procured at a high enough level - is better), they just get in the way and steal your XP like said, break your stealth, and if you NEED a follower then you must not be a good player. I just increase carryweight to compensate.

Edited by HalloweenWeed
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I guess saying "Dog is man's best friend" still stands, even when it comes to modding.


I wont take my Rottweiler hell-hounds or whatever they are into battle, I think its cruelty to animals, You cant avoid hitting them...in the civil war I hit just as many of my own men as the enemy will almost as many and its annoying. I hate friendly fire. i give followers more stats than I give myself so they are not knelling over puking or whatever from friendly fire all the time. If they were not essential they would have course all be dead.


The only PET companion that will work for you >>>




You can call me racist :laugh: Well.. not really. I think that Khajiits are a very useful bunch, with their tails being hollow so that they can smuggle more skooma.

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The best AI controls I have seen so far had Inigo. With the latest update you can command him with a shortcut key. The only downside is that he has a fixed combat style (mele/archer) and can't be managed by follower mods, since he has his own framework.


You can always have Inigo be one of Vilja's followers and ask them both to not fight. If not fighting, it is best they be set as essential. They will serve as faithful companions and even praise your battle skills and bravery. I think together they have more lines of dialogue (16,000 +) than the residents of Whiterun, Solitude, Markarth and Windhelm combined.

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Kill stealers? I play on Legendary and my Black Fox Company has saved my life on numerous occasions. One of them I can even summon while in Apocrypha. I might bring Inigo in as well, I love him.

My Black Fox Company consists of Dawn the Banished Dremora, Sapphire (my wife), Lydia, Argis the Bulwark, and Golldir.

I have RDO installed, so the Damn Harpies dialogue happens every now and then. I have Golldir choosing scenario appropriate weaponry (bow/1h/2h), Lydia's my archer, my wife Sapphire is my melee engager, and Argis is my tank. Dawn is my side chick. She has the most health, but I debuffed her because her default was way too powerful. She was static at level 100 but I forced her to level with me and removed a few perks. She works alongside Argis, and because you can access her chest from the dialogue menu she's also my pack mule. All of them except Dawn wear my very own Black Fox armor, thus the Black Fox Company was born. I plan to recruit Janessa and Uthgerd, and I just realised that all followers from Whiterun...are female.

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I guess saying "Dog is man's best friend" still stands, even when it comes to modding.


I wont take my Rottweiler hell-hounds or whatever they are into battle, I think its cruelty to animals, You cant avoid hitting them...in the civil war I hit just as many of my own men as the enemy will almost as many and its annoying. I hate friendly fire. i give followers more stats than I give myself so they are not knelling over puking or whatever from friendly fire all the time. If they were not essential they would have course all be dead.


The only PET companion that will work for you >>>




You can call me racist :laugh: Well.. not really. I think that Khajiits are a very useful bunch, with their tails being hollow so that they can smuggle more skooma.


They always struck me as creepy to be honest, they are not like the katta from quest for glory series (a more realistic version), nor are they Egyptian like occult symbols, as I may truly expect, but there voices and many of speaking are creepy. talk to that cat in the dark bothered questline to kill 3 people in the shack, that's probably about right, this is coming from a cat person btw. I am petting one in my lap as we speak.

Edited by skyquest32
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I'm not familiar with UFO. Is there any option to teach/unteach spells, like in AFT? I generally avoid mage followers also, for the same reason. In my case, it was Marcurio, always managing to hit guards or townspeople, with chain lightning.


Now, using AFT, I either unteach their AOE spells and replace them with a good, one-projectile spell; or I use standard followers and just give them certain mage abilities. (Ie: Cast flame atronach at combat start + self heal at 50% health.)

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