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Follow-Up On Followers AS Nonessential


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Well, I'm into day four of my current game with my followers set to nonessential. On information received

I'm running five in a group, plus me. So far I've lost three, one of whom was taken out by the other

members of the team when her fireball overkill pissed'em off. The other two were taken out after they

got too close and became Dragon Kibble. One was my favorite Orc. Dragon grabbed her, shook her like

a dog shakes a rat, and tossed her a country mile. Found her sword and that enabled me to retrieve her

gear...never did find her body. I'm gonna miss her. The other was a spellslinger who, apparently, wasn't programmed for up close and personal.

Went down in a storm of dragon breath, screaming "NOOOO" all the while.


Now, I know that I could revive these bits, or fall back to a recent save. Thing is, I'm playing this one hardcore...with

the exception of yours truly of course. Hey, this is a fantasy game after all. If I lose my starting team and my

second string, then I'll start in on all those little powder puff debutantes y'all like to create. (insert chuckle here) . Too

bad there's not a mod that scars, maims, and ages follower mods as the game goes on. Part of me would derive a

certain amount of satisfaction after observing those peaches and cream complexions at the end of the game...assuming

they made it of course.


Heck, I might not even make it. I've got it set to legendary with a boat load of really tough opposition mods added. It could reach

a point where I simply can't progress any further. However, this being Skyrim, that's HIGHLY unlikely. Still, since I'm running a team,

I figured I kinda owed the AI and the Designers a decent shot at me. LOL! I got sloppy two days ago and got too close to a bandit.

Sucker turned around and took my head of in one long sweep. Been a loooong time since I got to watch my headless, spouting

corpse collapse slowly to the ground. Just before the classic fade to black I could hear my followers screaming "Noooo" and the last

thing I saw was the foul miscreant being hacked to pieces. GO TEAM!


And always remember: Save, Save, Save!!!

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