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Change Companion's default location with console command?


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Hi all,


Just a quick query. Are there any console commands that will allow you to change the default location your companion returns to when dismissing them? *Something* has broken the settlement selection menu for me, so all companions return to their original location when i dismiss them. I don't get the option to choose a settlement.


I'm pretty sure it's a mod that has broken it, however, so far i've been unable to narrow it down. (I don't have Welcome to Goodneighbour installed, which was the only suggestion i could find on the web). So i'm getting to the point where either i accept that companions will just go home when i dismiss them or see if there's a command i can use to set their return point to a settlement (i'm one of the few people who like their companions to be stuck at Sanctuary Hills farming vegetables) ;D


Thanks in advance!

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