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Enderal Loopholes


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Enderal seems to have a few easily exploited loopholes.

The tavern gambling system can be exploited to gain maybe a couple thousand gold pennies per day. It's quite simple to reload a save game until you win.

Of course the gamblers have only a limited amount of funds that they can lose daily.

The pickpocket skill doesn't seem to have a succeed/fail roll; stealing coin always seems to succeed, with no EP being rewarded for success. I assume the pickpocket problem is due to a bug in the version; but the gambling games don't seem to be bugged.

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Pickpocket bug has been reported http://sureai.net:9898/browse/ERB-919


Gambling is designed so; in these games you can also add any amount of money with a console command.

Oh yes I know, I reported it.


Some things you can do without a console command; if you poke gold onto your game with a command, clearly don't mind a lil' cheating. Obviously you can cheat these gamblers without resorting to a console command.

Edited by TokenStar
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