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Small SexDarkness Mod Issue


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I downloaded and installed the mod Sexdarkness-Sexlivion for Girls and Boys and it works great, except for one issue that I can't tell is either a problem with the mod itself, or compatibility issues with the mod and my Laptops Processor.


I won't get into any details in case children come across this thread, lol, but when I use the Temptation spell with success and make my partner climax my screen goes black, Oblivion closes returning me to my desktop, and this little page appears saying "Oblivion is not responding" and I gotta wait till it does its scanning thing before I shut it down completely.


Now this only happens every now and again, but I wanted to see if anybody had the same problem and knew a way to fix it, or if I gotta get a Laptop with a better processor.


My laptop is a Compaq Presario with a 2.19GH Intel Celeron processor.


Any help might do

Edited by Vexil1989
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I can't help with the black screen and crash to desktop, but the message telling you that the game crashed has a button on it to cancel it. It won't hurt anything at all if you click on cancel at any point as it is only trying to look online to see if there is a reported fix for what ever it thinks happened.
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This usually happens with a missing file in the Mod. I'm no expert, but usually, when I do something involving a particular mod, it causes Oblivion to go black like that. I'd look to see if there are any missing files, or files put in the wrong place for the particular mod or a conflict with another mod. Try turning the mod off, then see if it still occurs. If it doesn't there is something wrong with the mod most likely, (the way you installed it or the file you had gotten) I have used this mod before, but it looked so silly and clippy I got rid of it...:D
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Well i'd kinda like to keep the mod, lol. Call me a perv or whatever, but to me with this mod it gives Oblivion a reason to be rated "M", lol. Although you could be right about it being caused by a missing file and there are more than one Sexdarkness mods on TESNexus so I might just try the different ones or try to combine them and see if that works..... Or if my Laptop explodes, lol.
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Well, just unselect it in the file directory (OBMM would make it easier).


See what happens. I uninstalled it because I had to many animation mods and it just got out of hand.

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Welp I fail, lol. Well if anyone can help set up a OBMM of "Sexdarkness-Sexlivion for Girls and Boys" i'd apreciate it. I tried and wound up crashing the game before it even got to the main screen, lol. I'm terrable at this stuff, it its not already in OBMM format, doesn't have those programs that help make it into an OBMM, or with detailed instructions on how to make it into a OBMM.... I'm lost, lol.
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I think someone already made one. I got it to work without the quest files, and that fixed my solution, I didn't even know there was a quest lol.


Hmm, I'm no modder expert (don't even know where to start, most of my problems were fixed through trial and error, reading forums, asking peeps on chat, GOOGLE?).

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