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Small SexDarkness Mod Issue


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I think I might have found a small salution. I've noticed that phalzyr's "Sexdarkness-Sexlivion for Girls and Boys" looks like a remake of Gomstor's "Sexdarkness - Upper Class". When I look at the File Sizes "Sexdarkness-SfGaB" is only almost 1.5MB while "Sexdarkness-UC" is around 65MB.


Now I don't know if it makes a difference in play because of the size, but to me that drastic drop says some things were taken out. Now i'll try "Sexdarkness-UC" to see if it works any better, but I don't think this version has a english translation, and I can't read a spit of spanish. :wallbash:


So new problem with new question. Can someone please make a english translation of this mod so I don't have to buy a English/Spanish dictionary? lol :laugh:

Edited by Vexil1989
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