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"Skyrim has crashed because an object reference"


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"Skyrim has crashed because an object reference with the form(...) failed to produce loaded node most likely due to corrupted mesh or other reasons."

So im getting this crash when i try to enter winterhold via carriage (New playthrough and havent discovered it yet). The message gives me a form ID, Base id and type ID. Ive found the problem item, which is "WinterholdHouse01" via TES5 edit, but have no idea how to fix the problem.

Any help? Thanks

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  • If you found the object that caused the crash in Tes5edit, deactivate the last mod that modifies it, the last mod on the right and test in game, at the condition the CTD is 100% reproductible.
  • If it didn't crash, reactivate the mod and test again.
  • If the problem is a mesh, look into the mod's bsa file to see which mesh you have and try to fix it using this tool : mesh healer.

Good luck

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  • If you found the object that caused the crash in Tes5edit, deactivate the last mod that modifies it, the last mod on the right and test in game, at the condition the CTD is 100% reproductible.
  • If it didn't crash, reactivate the mod and test again.
  • If the problem is a mesh, look into the mod's bsa file to see which mesh you have and try to fix it using this tool : mesh healer.

Good luck

Thanks for the reply.

It doesnt seem to be a mod issue. The object seems to be vanilla, in that when selecting it, it does not give me any mods or conflicts.



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  • <It doesnt seem to be a mod issue. The object seems to be vanilla> I don't think so, your pic shows that you're editing the mod Holds.esp and the edit is black which means it's a unique edit, not a vanilla overwritten one, (green). Deactivate Holds.esp to have the proof.

If I was right, try to diisable the 1C20E033 AAwinterholdhouse02 entry, ctrl + s to save, close Tes5edit and test in game.

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  • <It doesnt seem to be a mod issue. The object seems to be vanilla> I don't think so, your pic shows that you're editing the mod Holds.esp and the edit is black which means it's a unique edit, not a vanilla overwritten one, (green). Deactivate Holds.esp to have the proof.
  • If I was right, try to diisable the 1C20E033 AAwinterholdhouse02 entry, ctrl + s to save, close Tes5edit and test in game.


Your mean delete the entry? How do you disable it if not?


EDIT: I disabled holds.esp and am now getting the same crash message with a different form id which TES5Edit cant seem to find.

Edited by AcidicStylez
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  • Does Holds installed loose files ? In particular meshes. If it's the case, even disabling the mod will not invalidate those files.

If you can reproduce the crash, do a selective loading : untick 50% of your mods, beginning by the end of your load order and test in game. Then depending on if the problem occurs again or not, increase / decrease the remaining loading mods to find the culprit.

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If holds install loose files you'll have to go in the bsa to see the path of the files and rename temporarylly the one that makes the game crashing, then test in game. If holds has not any loose files and uses a bsa instead, if disabling holds.esp does nothing and you always CTD, then try the selective loading.

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