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SweetFX trouble (maybe)


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I was using some thing called "I Cant Believe Its NOT An ENB", but now it doesn't work - game simply doesn't start. I tried few tricks to fix it - unsuccessful. So then I decided to try some ENB presets. Some of them works fine, but some broke my game the same way - it simply doesn't even starts. And I noticed that "bad" presets always includes SweetFX, just like ICBENE.

So I guess it could be a problem with this thing. Any suggestion why it doesn't work and how to fix it?

Sorry for my english btw

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Hope this helps.

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Thanks guys, but nothing helped. Let's I'm just explain the problem again with more details.

1. So, I've got newest enb core files from enbdev and ENBoost from nexus. EVerything works fine.

2. Then I was install ICBINE. It's adds SweetFX folder and two new dlls.

3. I changed my enblocal.ini to use proxy dll, just to make ICBINE and ENBoost work together. It works fine too.

4. Then I unistall ICBINE (delete sweetfx folder and dlls), everything still works fine.

5. Then I was tested some mods, I am using MO so nothing really changed inside Skyrim folder.

6. Several hours later I decided to install ICBINE again, do everyrthing the same, but now game doesn't start. Delete it - works fine.

7. Same with ENB presets - I tried almost every single one from first nexus page. And mostly it works fine, if it doesn't contain SweetFX folder.

So I still can play without any problems, but I just trying to figure out what affects it, why SweetFX folder or some dll from ICBINE and few ENB prests now doesn't work. It's not load order problem and it's not some regular CTD problem I guess. Or maybe I'm just stupid, I don't really good with mods :D

Edited by EmeRSy
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