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Female Dwarven armor mod request?


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  • 4 weeks later...

I was wondering if any of the awesome armor modders out there could change the Female Dwarven armor?


It is currently hard to tell if it's a guy or girl in it. I'd like my female characters to look female lol.


Thanks in advance :D

the game already has a female version, it just doesn't use it. if you unpack the meshes . BSA, you can find it. game uses male version of everything but the helmet when it comes to dwarven armor.

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  • 5 weeks later...

female mesh is basically same as male as uses same textures path armor\dwarven\m\dwarvenarmor.dds


the only mesh that show the true female dwarven mesh is dwarvencuirassfgo.nif with the textures\armor\dwarven\f\DwarvenArmorF.dds path.


currently having a bash at this one.


trying to figure out the black bottom skirt and how to add arms.

Edited by lordinquisitor
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  • 3 months later...
This is Edhildil, I made the DMRA clothing replacers for Oblivion. I just spent 20 hours almost straight in a row and I made a set of female Dwarven Armor but it's very skimpy, and I still have to figure out how to adjust it to make it match the Dwarven set because it looks too dark, something with the materials properties is'nt correct.. Just got the tools working though, and Oblivion is way easier to make stuff for than Skyrim or FO3. I'll try and post it soon but may want to add some of the other armors because, well, a lot of them look not so feminine. Cheers! -E
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