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Little sound after clean install


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I had to reinstall the game after a clean install of my OS. I can get sound in a few places in the game (namely ... the opening sequence, as well as the "war never changes" video at the beginning), but I can't get any sound, music, voices, or sound effects of any kind anywhere in the actual game. Even the main menu doesn't give me any sound effects when I move the cursor up and down.


Are there any special sound card drivers I need to install to make this work?

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No Audio on Fallout 4? Anyone else with the same issue? (self.fo4)


9 months ago *

by OlympusXII

Hey guys! Wondering if anyone else has ran into a no audio 'bug' on PC?

Intro black and white cinematic has audio, but character creation does not.

Have tried; Fiddled with Pre Launch settings, Fiddled with Menu Audio Settings, Restarted Computer

Currently trying a quick reinstall, just let me know if any of you guys have an issue! Cheers

EDIT: Clean Reinstall - No Fix. | | | |

EDIT: Hats off to Sentinel-Prime

[–]Sentinel-Prime [score hidden] 3 minutes ago

Had this problem with Skyrim when it came out. This MIGHT fix it - Right click the speaker icon in the bottom right on Windows, and press "Playback devices" then highlight your speakers (will probably be one with a green tick) then click "properties" in the bottom right. Head to the advanced tab and change the "default format" to 16bit 48000 Hz (DVD Quality) or any of the other ones See if that works!

Another thing I read was to reinstall directx. Theres a directx folder within your "steamapps/fallout4" and you should be able to run direct x there to do a reinstall. Give it a whirl.

Another potential fix thanks to Stanlejm "Changed from 5.1 surround to 2.1 stereo and now it works just fine!"

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