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Bastard Sword (request)


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I was wondering if it would be possible to make a "Bastard Sword" - sometimes two handed, sometimes one handed?

I think it's a little more cinematic (and realistic to be fair) but I'd like to be able to up my skill with 2 handed without having to lug the extra sword about just to kill the occassional bear or wolf while my skill is developing plus it would allow me to switch to spells without switching out weapons.

With the in game Blades Sword being a Katana look-a-like, I think it would make some sense to use this model or enable two handed wielding on the existing item, but then I'm a newb.


Edited by MarkS1973
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so you essentially want a sword to be 2 handed, but it should change to 1hander (while still equipped), if you hit a hotkey to bind a favorite spell into the left hand and it should turn back (at what trigger?, pushing hotkey for sword again or what?)


I guess that calls for some pretty complicated scripting

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so you essentially want a sword to be 2 handed, but it should change to 1hander (while still equipped), if you hit a hotkey to bind a favorite spell into the left hand and it should turn back (at what trigger?, pushing hotkey for sword again or what?)


I guess that calls for some pretty complicated scripting

Pretty much, yes. Be a nice addition for those mages that want to get into a few fights too. Switch to 2 handed and you can block with your sword, try to get some room and switch back to a spell.

I realise that it's probably an awkward one unless the an item can be tagged as both 2 handed and 1 handed, so am just hoping somebody who knows their stuff likes the idea enough to give it a go.

Edited by MarkS1973
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  • 6 months later...

I definitely like the idea of this. It could be a mod that affects any weapon that could LOGICALLY be used one OR two handed. Most one-handed swords, axes, hammers and maces have a handle long enough to be used two-handed. And then there are the few weapons out there which were designed to be wielded either way, such as katanas and bastard (hand-and-a-half) swords.


I don't know ANYTHING about modding in Skyrim, but I look at it like this: Spells can be selected as single-wield or dual-wield, but don't require a second copy of the spell to do this. This could be SIMILAR. Depending on the nature of the weapon, it may default to one-handed wielding or two-handed. For those that default to one-handed, and have the option of being used with both hands, simply clicking your off-hand mouse button on the item while it's currently in your main hand would shift it from one handed to two handed. To put it in your off hand, you would click your primary hand mouse button to de-select the primary hand and shift the weapon to your off-hand.


I don't know how complicated the scripting would be for this, but it would essentially allow the one-handed weapon to be treated as two-handed if properly selected (by equipping it with both hands), and SELECT two-handed weapons (Blade's swords, for example) to be used one-handed. All of the animations/model positions are already built into the game, they would just be applied to weapons to which they currently do not apply.


Since all weapons in the game have one-handed AND two-handed varieties (swords, axes, hammers/maces), animation association would be reasonably easy and logical. A steel sword, as an example, would now be treated as a steel two-handed sword for purposes of animation. Since the one-handed versions are significantly smaller than the two-handed varieties, perhaps a SLIGHT increase in the two-handed animation speed (that is, they should be faster) would be in order for one-handed weapons wielded two-handed. Conversely, perhaps any appropriate two-handed weapon that could logically be used one-handed should have a SLIGHT decrease in animation speed (that is, they should be slower) than the stock one-handed animation.



1) The biggest complication I see here is weapon DAMAGE. A Blade's sword should have a lower BASE damage if used one-handed, more in-line with a one-handed variety of it's material/crafting type, while any one-handed weapon that can be used two-handed should conversely have a SLIGHTLY higher base damage (to represent that you can simply put more behind each swing) when used two-handed. I'm not sure if it's possible to have different damage amounts for weapons when used one way than when used another, but it would probably be something similar to dual-casting vs. single-casting. Again, I just don't know how this works. Perhaps the aforementioned difference in animation speed would compensate for the extra or lesser damage that would be incurred. Since you're swinging that one-handed blade faster while two handed, you will naturally be doing more DPS, even though you're not doing more damage per swing. Vice-versa for two-handed weapons used one-handed. I just don't know here.


2) Clipping. To me this is a very, VERY minor issue, but I could foresee some minor clipping issues associated with one-handed weapons being used two-handed and the default hand positions associated with wielding a two-handed weapon of the same type as the one-handed version (if you understand what I'm saying here).




I think this would be a really awesome concept. I hope there is someone out there skilled enough, and interested enough, to make this happen.

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Probably the easiest solution is to have two identical swords, one declared one-handed, and one declared two-handed. Then instead of switching how you hold it, you just switch the sword. As a bonus, the two can also have different stats quite naturally.


My katana and ninjato are like that, if it helps. The one- and two-hander versions are exactly the same mesh. And the two-hander one is faster, to get the DPS up there with proper two-handers. So basically you can have your battle mage still LOOK like he or she is swinging the same katana, but basically appear to change how he holds it.


If you need a European looking one, the Type XIIa and XIIIa or the SOSB Broadsword could also be used for that, as they have a hilt that barely is enough for two hands, so it doesn't look out of line when used one-handed either. You could probably re-hilt the SOSB Great Dane too, as at 41 inches of blade, it's still well within bastard sword territory.


Or if you absolutely must have only one sword in your inventory, I guess you could have a script that takes the existing sword from your inventory, gives you the other version, and makes you equip it.

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  • 3 months later...
If any of you played mount and blade bastard sword is when you play without a shield player swings the sword with 2 hands but you can equip shield with the same sword. if that can be possible in skyrim you can equip spells with the same sword and when unequp your spell the sword changes to 2 handed swing like aragorn in the movie or jon snow at got. and also tis can allow player to use 2 handed weapon on belt . many gamers use cloaks of skyrim mod and that loks band with 2 handed swords on back
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