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Scripting help: Custom Actor Values


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Hi, I wanted to make some custom actor values(and maybe bars in the UI) for a mod that would add a function to combat, while changing killmoves(not the animation, but the frequency and requirements).


What I would need is, at least:


A way to set up one or more custom Actor Values(one ranging 0~100, and the other ranging -100~100);


A way to GetAV these custom Actor Values; and maybe detect if player has certain perks;


A way to make changes to these actor values depending on time and actions(such as gaining by hitting enemies, losing by getting hit or staggered, and depleting overtime); also, timing how long you remain hidden within the detection range of another Actor, or at least the actions that level Sneak;


A way to make the script differentiate between in-combat and out-of-combat situations;


A way to change the player's Attack and Movement Speed, and Slow Time based on the amount he has of these Actor Values;


Maybe a way to set up a "Limit Breaker" of sorts(a special power attack that is used instead of the normal one when you have 100 in the Actor Value);


A way to trigger killmoves by power-attacking under certain conditions, instead of the "last enemy" restriction.




If someone could point me the right functions, and where to attach the script(s), that would be awesome, but if you are interested in doing it yourself, I would gladly share my ideas with you, no credit needed, because I just want it to exist.

Edited by cajofor
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