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Skyrim mods Has Really Gotten my Game Going Downhill


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I've been playing through Skyrim with mods for a while. And I've been with major lag, but I've been trying to pull through. I've decided to play some more, save then exit, load the game up later only to find out that the save I made was corrupted. I try playing through my previous save with no problem other than lag, save the game, then come back to find that the save is corrupted aswell. Not to mention, the framerate on Skyrim with mods goes down to 7-8fps and even freezing some when trying to either loot someone, or talk to a follower. I've got alot of different crash fixing mods, and even a mod to optimize Skyrim, to no avail. Can someone please explain what might be going on? I can give my modlist if asked.

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<I've been playing through Skyrim with mods for a while. And I've been with major lag, but I've been trying to pull through. I've decided to play some more, save then exit, load the game up later only to find out that the save I made was corrupted. I try playing through my previous save with no problem other than lag, save the game, then come back to find that the save is corrupted aswell. Not to mention, the framerate on Skyrim with mods goes down to 7-8fps and even freezing some when trying to either loot someone, or talk to a follower. I've got a lot of different crash fixing mods, and even a mod to optimize Skyrim, to no avail. Can someone please explain what might be going on? I can give my modlist if asked.>

  • Lag, latency, slowness, stuttering. Please provide your specs : GPU + VRAM, RAM, CPU, O.S.
  • If you're using win8-10 + a GPU with more than 4GB VRAM and experiencing stuttering, random freezes or / and FPS drops, this may occur when the VRAM usage exceeds 4GB, read here for more details.
  • Provide also your load order, using a spoiler.
  • Make sure you're using the good mods >> Dangerous mods list.
  • Verify gamecache.
  • Use crash fixes with the allocator enabled, see /// Settings / memory
  • Use a selective loading : untick 50% of your mods, beginning by the end of your load order and test in game. Then depending on if the problem occurs again or not, increase / decrease the remaining loading mods to find the culprit.
  • CTDs troubleshooting page on Reddit, depending on what's happening in game, choose the subsections that describes the best your problem.
  • Only YOU Can Prevent Forest Fires.

Here is a list of things that may help stabilizing your game if not already been done :

/// Cleaning and correcting potential bugs :

/// Load order / mods conflicts :

/// Settings / memory :

/// Save game :

/// Meshes healer :

  • Read here, this is potentially a cause of CTD that you can resolve by following the mod procedure on this page.

/// Useful informations :

/// Credits : these persons deserve kudos, (among others) without them there would be nothing above.

Thallassa | Matortheeternal | Arthmoor | BorisVorontsof | GamerPoets | Gopher | TheCompiler (+ all the STEP team) | Luco81 (NMM forum) | Tannin42 | I2edShift | ElminsterAU, Sharlikran, Zilav, Hlp | Meh321 | Kapaer | Sheson | Mnelson999 | Hadoram | markdf |/ Anton0028 | Wrinklyninja (L.O.O.T contributors) | Bcsp | Missjennabee |

Hope this helps.

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My specs are: GTX 970 GPU, AMD FX 8350 Eight Core CPU, 8GB of RAM, and running on Windows 10 Professional. My load order had been sorted, I've merged mods that I knew would have problems being merged together. (Such as any Patches for Falskarr, and Wyrmstooth can be merged together with no problem.) And like I said, I also got alot of mods that're supposed to fix crashing. I already know that in the cities and towns are lagging cause of JK Skyrim Lite edition. This is the mod order I have.

+Vivid Weathers Patch
+Killer Keos Skimpy CBBE V2-V3 Armor Replacer
+The TBBP animation of Dragonfly with butt bounce
+Skyrim Performance PLUS
+Skyrim Project Optimization
+Skykids-Cutting Room Floor
+Signs of Skyrim
+Archery Gameplay Overhaul
+Skyrim - Enhanced Camera
+Nock to Tip
+Dawnguard Arsenal
+Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS
+Lightning during Thunder Storms
+DYNAVISION Dynamic Depth of Field
+Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival
+Campfire - Complete Camping System
+Wet and Cold
+Vivid Weathers
+Better Falskaar and Wyrmstooth Maps
+A Quality World Map and Solstheim Map - With Roads
+HQ3DMap - Meshes Hi-Res
+PC Head Tracking and Voice Type
+The Drunken Dragon - Player-owned Store
+Face to face conversation
+Size Does Matter
+HDT Physics Extensions
+Patches 2
+Extended Loot
+Blowing in the Wind
+Dynamic Things - Enhanced
+Dynamic Things
+Plush Backpack
+Leather Backpack - v0.5
+Lockable Locks
+Falskaar Wildlife add-on
+RaceCompatibility - Dialog Changes
+Give Beggars Food - All DLC with Custom Food List
+Fire and Ice Overhaul - Version 3.3
+Dual Sheath Redux
+Lilly - Female Courier Replacer
+Alternate Start - Live Another Life
+Perkus Maximus - Maximum Perk Overhaul
+Provincial Courier Service
+Skyrim Companions No Werewolf Option
+Female Facial Animation SK
+Female Facial Animation
+Female Cicero CBBE
+NPC 3
+NPC 2
+Skykids Mod
+Immersive Patrols
+Feminine Khajiit Textures for CBBE-UNP (Grey Cat and Leopard)
+KillerKeos Thalmor Viceroy Inquisitors Clothes -CBBE - TBBP-
+Feminine Argonian Textures for CBBE-UNP (Chameleon and Lizard)
+Feminine Females Main file and Installer
+MFVM - More Follower Voices Mod Plus Khajiit Marriage
+Children Fight Back
+True Wolves of Skyrim - 2k
+Amazing Follower Tweaks
+Destroy the Thieves Guild
+Enhanced Skyrim Factions - The Companions Guild
+Civil War Overhaul
+Civil War Commander And Extended
+Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade
+Clothing and Clutter Fixes
+Weapons and Armor Fixes Remade
+LeanWolf's Better-Shaped Weapons - All in One Installer
+Dolls Girls Only
+JKs Skyrim LITE and Dawn Of Skyrim Directors Cut Patch
+JKs Cities - Lite and SuperLite
+Dawn of Skyrim (Director's Cut)
+Enhanced Wetness and Puddles
+Splash of Rain
+Gwelda Armor Pack
+Hateful Wenches
+Immersive Wenches
+Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul
+SKSE ini pre-download for lazy users
+Skyrim Sleeping Bags - Sleep Under Blankets
+Go to bed
+Animal Tweaks
+D13 Faster GET UP STAND UP animation vanilla friendly
+Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack
+Wyrmstooth - Player House Garden
+Skyrim Immersive Creatures
+Gender and Race Heights
+Final version of Town Guards in 2048x2048
+StormcloakRevival 2K
+Adorable Face Skykids
+hdtHighHeel beta0
+B. Gwelda Red Riding Hood 2K
+Guard Dialogue Overhaul
+Helgen Reborn
+Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO
+Ebonvale Settlement
+OBIS - Organized Bandits In Skyrim
+Relics of Hyrule
+Arrow Recovery System Overhaul - Latest Version
+Linkle Outfit
+Donna Follower
+Classic Zelda music for Skyrim
+KS Hairdos
+Gold To Rupees 2.3
+Gold to Rupees
+Cloaks of Skyrim 1-2
+Wyrmstooth - Tweaks and Enhancements
+The Notice Board - Falskaar
+Notice Board - Dragonborn DLC - Better Solstheim Quests
+The Notice Board
+Moonpath to Elsweyr - Patch
+Moonpath to Elsweyr - Improved
+Moonpath to Elsweyr - Typo Patch
+moonpath to Elsweyr 95beta
+Typo Patch - Falskaar
+Falskaar Quest-Fix
+Falskaar - Hearts of the Gods Bugs Fix
+Falskaar V1 2 1final
+Tiny Serana - Voice Replacer
+Female Ulfric
+Realistic Force
+Smile in HD
+SkySight Skins - Ultra HD Male Textures and Real Feet Meshes (4K2K HIGH)
+The Eyes Of Beauty
+Adorable Face
+Fair Skin Complexion
+XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended
+ShowRaceMenu PreCacheKiller
+RaceMenu v3-4
+Calientes Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE-
+ApachiiSkyHair natural Retexture Male
+ApachiiSkyHair natural Retexture Female
+ApachiiSkyHair natural Retexture
+ApachiiSkyHair v 1 6 Full
+Horizon of Dreams - Night Sky and Moon Textures
+HD Ivy - 2014 EDITION - 2K
+Dust Effects
+Immersive Armors
+Immersive Weapons
+Immersive Roads
+Cinematic Fire FX
+Vivid Landscapes - Rocking Stones and Mountains Two
+SkyFalls + SkyMills
+aMidianBorn Book of Silence
+Cutting Room Floor
+RaceCompatibility with fixes
+Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
+Beautiful Whiterun
+Skyrim High Definition LODs - Dark
+AOF HD Tree LODs 2k
+Skyrim Flora Overhaul
+PW landscape textures
+Watercolor for ENB and Realistic Water Two
+Realistic Water Two
+The Junk Yard
+Project Parallax Revived
+NobleSkyrimMod HD-2K
+Static Mesh Improvement Mod
+Skyrim Subsurface Scattering Patch for ENB
+Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB
+Cell Stabilizer



As for ENBs, I'm not using any. I'm using ENBoost with SweetFX. I have 4096mb in dedicated Video memory. I've tried removing the save scripts in my save, but still get the same corruption in the game. I also verified the game's Integrity with no change.

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  • <My specs are: GTX 970 GPU, AMD FX 8350 Eight Core CPU, 8GB of RAM, and running on Windows 10 Professional. My load order had been sorted, I've merged mods that I knew would have problems being merged together. (Such as any Patches for Falskarr, and Wyrmstooth can be merged together with no problem.) And like I said, I already know that in the cities and towns are lagging cause of JK Skyrim Lite edition. This is the mod order I have.> All you describe seems to indicate your specs can't handle what you're asking = mods + settings and inis settings. (freezes + fps drop). In other words, you've already reached the limits and you tried to pull through. Make wise choices about settings and mods is one of the steps you should do in order to recover a stable game. You may use the performances monitor to see how your specs perform.

<I also got a lot of mods that're supposed to fix crashing.> I know, and it seems it's not enough. These things won't work if you run out of VRAM and RAM and count on your virtual memory to do the same performances. Your load order is complex and you're using complex mods. Use the link above Only YOU Can Prevent Forest Fires + Bashed patch + merged patch.

<As for ENBs, I'm not using any. I'm using ENBoost with SweetFX. I have 4096mb in dedicated Video memory. I've tried removing the save scripts in my save, but still get the same corruption in the game. I also verified the game's Integrity with no change.> You may try the differents steps in the guide above, be aware that if things you've tried don't work doesn't mean they don't stabilize your game. Follow everything in the guide above carrefully, even the links in the /// Useful informations.

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I'd use the performance monitor, but it doesn't work. And I always clean my saves after removing a mod. I'm at a point where I'm wondering whether or not to buy a Intel core I5 and a motherboard for it, or get a water cooling fan and attempt to overclock my AMD FX 8350 to see if I can atleast get the frame drops to stop.

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<I'm wondering whether or not to buy a Intel core I5 and a motherboard for it, or get a water cooling fan and attempt to overclock my AMD FX 8350 to see if I can atleast get the frame drops to stop.> upgrading your motherboard is probably a good thing, but won't help much if the problem is that you're running out of RAM + VRAM. Your GPU is a good one, that's also what I have, but it can not handle everything. Decrease your resources demanding mods + settings and inis settings and you should see a notable difference concerning freezing and fps drop, (I hope)

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What i will do if i were you is wait for AMD Zen and see the prices then change both mother board and CPU or go for an Intel i5 + new modo (yes an i5 6600K can beat an FX 8350, has more functionality and draws less power). Don't worry too much about the 970 is a great card but i think your CPU/Mobo are a bottleneck for it.

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What i will do if i were you is wait for AMD Zen and see the prices then change both mother board and CPU or go for an Intel i5 + new modo (yes an i5 6600K can beat an FX 8350, has more functionality and draws less power). Don't worry too much about the 970 is a great card but i think your CPU/Mobo are a bottleneck for it.

Only reason I even ended up with a AMD FX 8350 and it's motherboard was because it was the cheapest bundle with a great graphics card on NewEgg, and I thought that since I had a great graphics card, Modded Skyrim wouldn't focus as much of it's resources on using the CPU's power. I might get the AMD Zen and it's Motherboard, and possibly a water cooling fan as a way to where even if the CPU at it's default isn't that strong, maybe overclocking it would make it run Modded Skyrim better. And if the AMD Zen comes out this year, I'll probably buy it along with the motherboard for it, and a water cooling fan, then maybe get a GTX 1070 next year even though I still game at 1080p. Update: As of right now, I'm going to be attempting to overclock my AMD FX 8350 to try and atleast get better framerate out of my modded Skyrim. Along with maybe replacing Dawn of Skyrim and JK's Skyrim Lite with Holds: the City Overhaul. If it fails, I may end up trying to get the AMD Zen when it comes out.

Edited by RedCaptainJackR
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