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Want to travel past the game's borders


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I typed "tcl" into the console, as the news post on the Skyrim Nexus site suggests. Unfortunately, it doesn't allow you to travel past the game's borders. It allows you to levitate and travel through obstacles (excepting of course, the invisible wall at the edge of the map). What's the ACTUAL console code that will let me travel off-map?
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bBorderRegionsEnabled 0 ; to turn off the border regions


That you put into your "skyrim.ini" file, ie. add it and save. It's not normally there but it'll work if you add it. That will get you going past borders [anywhere]


tcl ;on the console commands is for no cliping, so you can in effect run in the air. I would bump up your speed with

player.setav speedmult 500 ; [that's 500% of your normal speed, normal is 100%] if you want to run a lot faster. Make sure you hit 'R' or CTRL [forgotten which] to switch it on

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