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I have all this hideous brown dirt in the background instead of grass.


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I have all this hideous brown dirt in the background.How can I fix this? Is there a background distance grass mod out there or are there only ones for tree's?


Thanks, I think I have found the mod causing it now. Thanks for helping me, I am very new to pc gaming and modding, only been playing with the mods for a week now so I am new and easy too confuse. After owning a pc , I could never go back to my ps3's horrible skyrim graphics, I turned it on yesterday to have a look at my old characters stats.. So horrible XD

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If you are just starting out with skyrim modding consider watching some videos from Gopher: https://www.youtube.com/user/GophersVids , Dirty Weasel Media: https://www.youtube.com/user/ar15nurse and Gamer Poets: https://www.youtube.com/user/gamerpoets

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