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Need some assistance with the Creation Kit


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Greetings, I made a mod that allows one to play as a sentient Glowing One.

However, I ran into a problem, I simply cannot get the torso and the hand textures to show up normally(Headgear work as they should) while wearing an apparel that covers them.

I tried experimenting a bit with the Creation Kit to see if I can somehow fix this, but no luck so far.


Here are some examples:

How it appears when wearing something(notice how the glowing torso texture is replaced with the normal Ghoul torso texture):


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How it appears when naked:


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What I did in the CK is simply make a duplicate of the Ghoul race and simply change the skin to the Glowing One's from Nuka World.

At first, I had problems with the hand textures not appearing in 1st person mode, which I was able to fix it, but I just can't seem to find a solution with wearing clothes, I tried messing with the Armor Race on the Race's first tab, but no luck so far.



Skin Selection:


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Skin(It's in the armor menu and it contains two armor addons, one for the hands and one for the rest of the body(minus the head).


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Before anyone asks, no, I do not use another mod that touches the Ghoul race itself this is just a duplicate of the race.


Any help will be appreciated.

Edited by Epzaos
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It seems like when you wear clothes like that it's using a different body model. If you open the harness in outfit studio you'll see it also brings in a body model. It's not just the harness.


Try deleting the body model from the harness, bring in yours, save it, and see if the glowing skin appears like it should.

Edited by Nutulator
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How exactly can I open the harness in outfit studio?


Sorry, I'm a complete n00b on these editors.


EDIT: NVM I figured it out.



Still, wouldn't that affect all the races?

Isn't there a way to fix this in the .esp on the CK? I don't want to extract every single .nif file of the outfits?

Also, how do I place the body texture on the outfit?

Edited by Epzaos
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Unless the body part points to a single shared mesh/texture set you can duplicate/modify. Otherwise you might have to go through them all.


I have some immersive terminals where I changed the color of terminal blinking color (from the default green). The nif (from what I can tell) houses 2 lines of code that hold the instructions for the color. I had to go through 20 or so terminal nifs to change color (wish it was more fluid), and repeated the process for 2 additional popular colors.

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I agree with dimedius. The work you're doing is quite different so you will have to go through all the clothes which show the torso and make them unique. Not very hard just tedious.


Yes, if you replace that harness it would effect everyone who wears it. That's why you can make a unique, separate nif which would have all your ghoul assets in it. You'll then use this nif when you make armor add-ons and whatnot.


To place the body texture on the outfit you're going to need the material file--BGSM. Material Editor is a good program for that. Duplicate and open the harness BGSM and make new paths to your ghoul textures. Then in Outfit Studio, go to your body model, right click to Properties, and type in the path to that BGSM under Material. That's all you have to do in terms of plugging textures in--you do not have to go the Textures tab and fill those in manually.


Good luck!

Edited by Nutulator
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