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What just happened... weird shadow issue


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So one day when i loaded skyrim i realise i now have a huge problem with shadows. All the textures, characters, walls, rocks and buildings have shitfing shadows on them and every 5 seconds the shadows shake and cover everything in the game. It wasn't there for the first 52 hours i logged on the game and now it is and has ruined the game. I can't figure out why this is happening. I have Installed new drivers, re-installed the game even loaded a past restore point and nothing has helped. I tried taking screen shots but they don't capture the shadows. Edited by Emakandi
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JPIKE420 is correct. This is related to the fsunshadowupdate and fsunshadowthreshold settings in the skyrim.ini file.


Try adding the following under [Display] in the skyrim.ini file located in the mydocuments/mygames/skyrim folder






It doesn't fix the issue completely but it makes the sun transition faster and the sun only updates every 16 minutes or so instead of every 5-8 seconds.

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